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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Toki Posted - 08/01/2012 : 14:43:13
Hey all,

Red's been off her food for while (3 - 4 weeks) - zooming round and round her viv.

Got her out just to feed her and her skin is literally flaking off. She shed a couple of weeks ago (xmas eve) and it was perfect, i posted pics on here a couple of weeks ago. It's not coming off it's just sort of sticking up and looks flakey in parts, mainly on her belly and up to about half way down oher, some on her head too.

I think she's very irrated by it and i'm not sure what it is. She's also making sharp wheezing sounds every couple of minutes.

Any ideas?

I'm in the process of trying to get photos.

Thanks for any help and advise.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Toki Posted - 12/01/2012 : 09:08:21
Thank you.

I have turned her heat higher, just in case of any dampness etc.

Still taking her/him the vet later, i'd rather it be checked just in case we've missed something.

She's gone very grumpy!! Makes me more sure that she's a boy
hillzi Posted - 11/01/2012 : 21:46:43
This happens to my male quite often especially last year. I think the flaky skin is obviously where they have brushed on thge aspen through their hyperactivity.

My male also wheezes a bit, but it's not an RI. I am certain. but turn up the heating to 32*C for a fortnight or so.
Toki Posted - 11/01/2012 : 09:30:36
Checked on her last night. Not wheezing as much but opening her mouth a lot - her mouth looks fine though.

Scales look the same, give her a small soak and dried her thoroughly, which she seemed to not mind.

She's also gone into shed, or very close too as she's gone really dull. Her eyes are yet to glaze over but the rest of her has a purply blue cover over the top.

She's going to be one grumpy snake tomorrow at the vet!
Toki Posted - 10/01/2012 : 09:45:26
She's booked in for Thursday, earliest they can do as we need an evening one due to work.

She's got a sparkly viv now lol. She's still SO hyper.
Mort13 Posted - 10/01/2012 : 09:04:37
Hope all goes well. Keep us updated on her.
cattNmo Posted - 09/01/2012 : 22:03:34
i worked with one that did that once. To this day not sure what caused it but what fixed it was some children's vitamin drops in his water and warm baths. Howeven he was not showing signs of an RI like yours. Have you started a new bag of bedding??
Toki Posted - 09/01/2012 : 13:01:38
No bubbling as far as we can see.

She's not happy with all this handling! She's been good though.

Going to book her in later.
Mort13 Posted - 09/01/2012 : 12:24:32
If you can get to check inside her mouth then check for any bubbling etc. If you're really worried I'd take her the vets,even if its just for piece of mind.
Toki Posted - 09/01/2012 : 10:06:56
Her viv's not damp and around her nose and mouth look fine ... no different to normal anyway. What should I look for?

I've never sprayed her viv, she's never needed it. Shed brilliantly.

The wheezing's back off a little since we've cleaned her out but she's still doing it, just less frequently.

Spreebok Posted - 09/01/2012 : 07:55:04
Are you able to check her mouth for symptoms of RI's at all? That might be of some help if you can.
lotabob Posted - 08/01/2012 : 18:15:13
Further to the other post in pictures reading this I'm thinking scale rot and RI, both caused by the vivarium been too damp. Do you spray?
Sta~ple Posted - 08/01/2012 : 18:05:52
Does all around her mouth and nose look fine? Viv not damp?
Toki Posted - 08/01/2012 : 17:46:08
Yeah we were wondering if she was on the er ... look out, and might be male. We just chose she, we've got no idea what she really is lol.

Yeah we have her on Aspen.

Wheezing's in the viv too. It's like a sharp intake of breathe. Her mouth doesn't move but it's definitely from her.

Yeah the viv's big but she likes it, up and down her branches and plenty to hide in and do.
Sta~ple Posted - 08/01/2012 : 17:03:26
She just looks like shes been hyper active to me and caught herself a bit on decor and substrate, I'm guessing your using aspen? My big fat dude and king has this happen to them sometimes. The hyperactiveness with the non eating could be hornyness. Are you sure its a she :P Is the wheezing only when you handle her or when she is also in her viv?

Thats a massive viv for a corn!
Toki Posted - 08/01/2012 : 15:33:15
We have no idea of her age, or if she is indeed a he.
She was estimated at about 2 - 3 years old.

She's just over 4 and a half foot long and still growing.

Only missed feeds in shed until about four weeks ago when she hasn't eaten since.

She's in a 4 x 2 x viv, hides at both end, branches and bark to climb on and on aspen. Huge water bowl in the center, near front of viv. She does drink a lot.
Her hot end viv temp is 28 - 30 cool end usually 23 C.

We're just in the middle of changing all her bedding and giving her viv and hides and another good clean!
Toki Posted - 08/01/2012 : 15:10:59
Pics ....

Flaking on her head.


See it along the edge? of the scales?

Patchy skin on her scales

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