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 weird belly

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marc_sg Posted - 05/01/2012 : 23:51:07
bare with me while i try and discribe this. i was just handling my female ghost silva and as i gently ran my thumb down her belly i felt a bubble. i say a bubbly because it wasnt like a egg bump shes not old enough. so i done it again and again. its only in one spot half way down her body. it felt loke a lil packet of air because bubbled as i moved down her body a was really soft. its also sounded bubbly it sounded like little bubbles moving as i moved. sorry for the discription but i cant think on how to discribe it. has any one ever had the same kinda thing last time she ate was early last week shes now in slough
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ScalySituation Posted - 11/01/2012 : 15:36:23
Originally posted by Emmy1

Mine sometimes fart when I bathe them. I jumped out my skin when I heard it for the first time. I went all ninja thinking I suddenly wasn't alone in the house, and then I seen the bubbles with Shoezy in the water.

Aw bless. any sign of her yet?
smart bunny Posted - 10/01/2012 : 20:25:32
Lol at this thread! Poor uncomfy snakey, hope it passes soon
lotabob Posted - 10/01/2012 : 12:58:32
Royals are right wind bags. Duke guffs all the time.
Emmy1 Posted - 10/01/2012 : 12:01:21
Mine sometimes fart when I bathe them. I jumped out my skin when I heard it for the first time. I went all ninja thinking I suddenly wasn't alone in the house, and then I seen the bubbles with Shoezy in the water.
Kath Posted - 10/01/2012 : 10:51:59
lol Mort, that's too true!!
Mort13 Posted - 10/01/2012 : 09:06:41
My king farts a lot lol,he's a proper bloke!
Sta~ple Posted - 10/01/2012 : 08:54:45
Originally posted by nickyff

snakes FART ??????
do they?? really???

Yes, my king farts sometimes. Did you not watch idiot abroad? A cobra lets out a massive fart. Although feeling for farts? hrrm.
Casta Posted - 10/01/2012 : 01:14:24
i would not want to be in the room when that got let out considering how bad the poo smells...
nickyff Posted - 09/01/2012 : 23:55:59
snakes FART ??????

do they?? really???

marc_sg Posted - 07/01/2012 : 00:23:39
i took her done to my local rep shop/breeder. he said nothing to worry about his seen it before its just gas. all snakes get it but shes just got a big one brewing lol. ive checked her this evening its moved done a bit now so hopefull she will pass wind. thanks for the replys thou everyone
Emmy1 Posted - 06/01/2012 : 18:56:30
Pictures would allow us to see what your saying more clearly.

In relation to the bubbling sensation, the female adult I'm snake sitting for my friend has harmless tumours towards her tail and they feel very airy and soft. I'm not suggesting that tumours could be what your snake has, but if it feels worrying or leaves you anxious, it may be good to get it checked at the vets, for peice of mind and assurance that it's nothing.
Mort13 Posted - 06/01/2012 : 18:48:34
Could you try and get a pic of it and post it on here?
smiffy89 Posted - 06/01/2012 : 17:33:45
any chance its just a bit of food still digesting????
Casta Posted - 06/01/2012 : 17:29:13
hernia? can snakes get hernia's?
marc_sg Posted - 06/01/2012 : 10:10:14
i have never felt this before i check their bellys often i do on all my snakes. and it stands out as well u can see the lump thats y i dont think it an organ
lotabob Posted - 06/01/2012 : 01:04:01
Yeah they have organs inside them, when they are little you can feel them, some light coloured small snakes you can see them too.

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