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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Blackcat Posted - 05/01/2012 : 21:40:59
I have searched and read as much as possible on this subject and have found answers to most of my questions.
My hatchling Morse (sex unknown), weight 7g when last weighed (yes he/she is tiny) and kept in a 30x30x30 exo terra viv (was in one of these before purchase), this has warm temp ranging from 28.4 - 29.5 centigrade and cool temp of 21.4 centigrade. Heating is via a heat mat controlled by a Habistat mat stat and temps monitored via exo terra digital thermometers.
I fed Morse a small pinkie on 02/01/2012, but on 04/01/2012 after a very brief handling (less than 5 mins) I found what was I can only assume was a regurge. Previous feed was much the same size and no problems, also was handled after the same sort of time period.
I am now doing as all posts recommend and leaving well alone only changing water.
The only question I would like an answer to is: what sort of behaviour should I expect from Morse. For the first day I saw no sign of activity, which was what I was sort of expecting, so made sure viv was quiet and covered at sides to reduce 'noise/distractions' etc.
Tonight Morse has been out and about exploring the viv, is this to be expected.
Apologies for the long post but wanted to supply as much info as possible for those of you out there that need to know.
I can only assume I handled too soon after feeding.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackcat Posted - 06/01/2012 : 13:43:56
Thanks for the speedy reply, I was fairly sure it was a regurge.
I have upped the temp slightly on the viv and will monitor very carefully and as to whether Morse is moving to use the cooler area.
The viv now has two pieces of foliage added to provide extra privacy.
Although I had done loads of reading on this site and thought I had done things right I felt the need to check. This forum is a fantastic source of information, particularly for the likes of myself new to snakes. You can never get too much information.
lotabob Posted - 06/01/2012 : 13:08:05
Sounds like a regurge, bit like a sucked on piece of fudge, lol.

30cm is fine. If he is always under the warm side hide it may actually be a bit cold. It might be a good idea to just check your temperatures, probe placement etc. If everything is fine just allow an extra days worth of digestion it may just be that the pinkies are quite a large meal for such a dinky snake. Good luck, it does happen on occasion and one regurge will have no ill effect on the snake.
Blackcat Posted - 06/01/2012 : 12:04:06
Just to clear up the size of the viv, it is 30cmx 30cm x30cm, so only 1ft square. It has water bowl in cool area, a climbing branch, a hide in cool area and one in the warm area, it also has toilet roll inners randomly around the viv, the only thing missing is foliage, this is on the list to be added and should be in the viv by the weekend.
Morse is usually located beneath the hide in the warm area and this is where he/she is now.
Thanks for letting me know they act normally after a regurge, that was the main thing I did not know and would of possibly led me to be tempted to try offering another really small pinkie earlier than 10 days after the regurge.
I am pretty sure it was a regurge as it was nothing like the poop which is found in my other hatchlings RUB. It was pinky skin coloured one end and black and horrible looking the other and was an elongated blob! It didn't appear to have the correct consistency of poo!
Thanks for the invaluable advice lotabob.
I am just so concerned that Morse is so tiny in comparison to Zeus, who eats so well and has already shed once with me.
Once I have this issue under control can I offer tiny pinkies more regularly and forfeit handling for a while until I feel the weight of Morse is better?
lotabob Posted - 05/01/2012 : 23:25:11
The set up sounds massive for such a tiny snake (assuming 30X30X30 is inches) and also wont be escape proof unless you've escape proofed it.

have you noticed the snake using the cold side more than the hot side? It may be that the heat mat is too hot, the guideline is a guideline but each snake knows what it likes, my corn likes 26-27oC in the hot end, any hotter and it just stays away from the heat. I suffered a regurge for this reason and with a few minor changes in line with the snakes behaviour I was able to get the right temp balance.

They act as normal really after a regurge, all the turmoil is internal and mainly their stomachs rebalancing themselves. Now when you say can only assume its a regurge, what did it look like, if it was clearly mouse feet etc (thats what I saw) then yeah, if it was just a blob you'd have to go by smell, regurge stinks so so very bad.

Another reason for a snake not regulating its temperature is feeling too exposed, do you have several hides in your setup and foliage so snakey can make his way between the hides sneakily. They dont like to cross big open spaces and will stay still if they feel exposed even at the expense of been too cold.

Its very likely that handling is the reason the regurge happened but that alone after 2 days isnt the only cause, something made the snake not digest quick enough and that is very very likely to be a temperature issue either directly or indirectly.

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