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 one word . MITES

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Laws Posted - 31/12/2011 : 01:37:35
I kno there are a million and one threads on mites , and stickies , but im still in a tizz and feel awful :(

So ive read the following that ardap , callingtons , mite off and s few others are all the best . but which is the best out of all of them ?

I noticed the first little bugger by accident it was on my thumb and i squashed it and it crunched and left bllody goo , it was only small so i then inspected his rub and found 2 more tiny ones , non in the water bowl and i cant really see any on him .

i washed my hands and then checked my other two and they have now got mites too ( ive kept the snakes quarentined , and they have still invaded!) the sunglow has one or 2 on her paper however i cant see any on her and i would have thought it would have been pretty obvious to see being the light colour she is (i know kno the males are a light colour and hard to see and its only females that get bigger )

I then checked my biggest boa lex and found a BIG bugger (i swear it flipped me off as it crawled across the paper!) , and on inspecting her hide found three more big ones , its hard to spot them on her body (my eyes are awful as it is lol)

So ive now took everything out of everyones enclosure , they are all on kitchen roll , most fake plants have been soaked in a bucket and wood has been in the oven . all they have is a water bowl each and the two little boas have egg boxes for hides and lex has her normal hides as i dont have anything big enough to give her and shes a shy one .

So whats my next step ? before i get mouse happy online to sprays , which ones in ur opinion work best ? i dont want to get front line as i hear it can be bad for young snakes and even watered down can cause problems , the same with ardap as i dont have enough spare places to put them while i fumigate the vivs .

can i soak them in olive oil ? and then soak them in water ? can u put olive oil straight onto them ?

*shudders* hate creepy crawlys! would i need to use anything else to get rid of mites outside the vivs / rubs etc ?

My other concern is i have crested geckos , are they all at risk also ?

Any help greatly appreciated :(
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikerichards Posted - 31/12/2011 : 16:00:28
Katie.Dublin Posted - 31/12/2011 : 12:17:12
Oh what a nightmare Laws! Sounds like you're doing the right thing so far. I've heard the water and oil thing works well. there's a sticky on it somewhere. Sorry i cant be of more help but best of luck getting rid of them!

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