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 Dry Skin.....??!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NaeLou Posted - 27/12/2011 : 13:20:57
Hey guys, hope u all had a lovely Christmas!

I got Misssi out today for a little roam around, and have noticed a patch of dry skin, the only way to describe it is peeling as though she was about to shed, but its halfway down her body and she hasnt been blue, although her last shed was end of oct.

Its weird and I have never noticed this on her before, even before her last shed.
she's been out and about alot lately trashing her viv, burying under the woodchips, could she have rubbed her scales on something?!

Has anyone had this before?

Heres some pics, they arent great but hopefully you can see what I mean...

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lotabob Posted - 28/12/2011 : 21:52:55
I don't see anything other than a few lifted scales. Scales are there to take damage, its their armour. It does get scratched, dented and bent its another good reason for them to shed their skin, to repair any damage done. As long as it is minor damage I wouldn't worry at all.
Red123 Posted - 28/12/2011 : 14:06:07
When I took Spencer in he had skin that looked like that. And he had already shed so I new it was not that and it did not look like stuck shed either. I put it down to the temps he had been living. The stat had not been put in the correct place so the mat was running hotter than it should have been and also he had a light on 12 hours a day which I feel dried the air out alot. Corrected the probe and do not use the light and the problem has gone.
kdlang Posted - 28/12/2011 : 11:03:52
It is possible that you have missed her being in blue as it can be hard to tell with some morphs or that she hasnt got to the blue eyed stage yet. She must be due a shed so it is a possibility. You could try giving her a damp hide to help if she is going blue or just leave her to see how she gets on
mkmattyk Posted - 28/12/2011 : 10:21:19
it could be that misssi is about to shed or its from a the previous shed. have you put moss in her viv or raised the moisture level??? and does she have a baskin light??? she may have done it on that

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