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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NikNacz2112 Posted - 07/10/2011 : 21:25:13
Hi, our young corn Khan appears to have an eye that looks completely different to the other one.

On one side the eye is rounded, protrudes slightly and looks healthy. The other eye appears to be sunken and different in shape and size.

Both eyes are shiny and black.

Should i take him to a reptile vet or is this normal?
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sta~ple Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:59:43
Originally posted by NikNacz2112

He is more sort of browns, greys, blacks and a little see through. Some lavendar if the light shines through him.

Got him off a lady who had to move and could not take him with her. So no chance of any money back for vets bill :-(

Aww thats sweet, glad to know he has a very good home though now though.
a33272 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:48:26
if u wanted to travel abit further the vet near me in chipping norton have a good reputation with exotics. they also have a branch in bloxham but not sure what they do there
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:42:46
He is more sort of browns, greys, blacks and a little see through. Some lavendar if the light shines through him.

Got him off a lady who had to move and could not take him with her. So no chance of any money back for vets bill :-(
Sta~ple Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:23:30
I think you did the right thing, if a vet like that was near me and had extra training and had his own then that's brilliant, I'd love to have the guy near me lol

I see what you mean now about the eye! It's strange, from some views you cant tell but others really show the contrast! Did teh vet say anything about reduced visibility or anything or anything. He's very sweet looking though :) Did you notice the eye problem when you got him? Just wondering if you got from a petshop they maybe able to give you some money for the vet trip tahts all!

As for exotic vets, this topic has a list, there are probably more that you may have to find through goggling.

The lighting in the pictures kinda makes it hard to tell what morph he is, although I think I see some faint orange patches on his back in-between saddles and that the saddles are a dark brown?
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:02:46
Hopefully the pictures give you a better idea, not the best quality though.

Also, if any of you have any idea what morph he is that would be helpful too as I have no idea what type he is.
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:02:05
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 22:01:10
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 21:58:28
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 21:56:40
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 21:56:02
NikNacz2112 Posted - 11/10/2011 : 21:42:20
The vet I took him to has had lots of experience with snakes in particular and has a large collection himself. I have been advised that my snake has a genetic defect from his breeding and not an actual health problem.

He has just gone into blue which also makes it a little more difficult to assess him properly.

As a point of reference does anyone on here know an exotics vet near any of the fololowing towns as we are sort of central to all of them.

Northampton, Banbury, Leamington Spa, Coventry, Hinkley, Milton Keynes.

It would be nice to know where to go should I need the expertise. I appreciate the comments about specialist vets and normal vets but the one we went to has had extra training on reptiles on top of his standard farm animal vetinary stuff.

I wanted my snake seen sooner rather than later and happy to have to take him to an extra vet if that is required for any treatment.

Onced he has shed I will post some photos. Might try to pop some up this evening which were taken last week if I can remember how to do it.
Sta~ple Posted - 10/10/2011 : 21:38:27
Originally posted by lotabob

Originally posted by Sta~ple

And if you are stupid enough to refuse a nurses help because you wanted to see a doctor then frankly your an idiot

Yeah I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my comments or this thread and was a poor attempt at comparison.

Where you choose to take your animals is entirely your choice, you can take them to a witch doctor if that takes your fancy but in my opinion an exotic animal should been seen by an exotics vet and that is all I was saying.

Telling people where you would prefer and where other people should take there's has nothing to do with the thread either. My point was valid, seeing someone with some experience is still better than waiting or seeing no-one at all. Maybe so if if you read, exotics vet was suggested previously but you then seemed to criticize the OP or not taking it to someone who is a specialist but one who has experience and may well for all you know, be more passionate and have just as much knowledge which in any case, is a far letter response than "I'll leave it and see what happens"

Sorry NikNac, what did the vet say and do you have any pictures?
a33272 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 21:29:12


Yeah I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my comments or this thread and was a poor attempt at comparison.

Where you choose to take your animals is entirely your choice, you can take them to a witch doctor if that takes your fancy but in my opinion an exotic animal should been seen by an exotics vet and that is all I was saying.

ya still missing the point, yes an exotic IDEALLY should be seen by a vet that specialises in them BUT sometimes an exotic vet wont be available for what ever reason be it an emergency/to far/vet away etc. then any initial care it better that non at all. sometimes initial care is what saves lifes
lotabob Posted - 10/10/2011 : 18:16:04
Originally posted by Sta~ple

And if you are stupid enough to refuse a nurses help because you wanted to see a doctor then frankly your an idiot

Yeah I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my comments or this thread and was a poor attempt at comparison.

Where you choose to take your animals is entirely your choice, you can take them to a witch doctor if that takes your fancy but in my opinion an exotic animal should been seen by an exotics vet and that is all I was saying.
Sta~ple Posted - 10/10/2011 : 15:00:00
A normal vet can have an a passion for reptiles so know how to treat them, all vets receive training on reptiles no matter how minimal but the ones keen and intreted in reptile will educate them selves more, have contacts with exotic vets so that they can either send you up to an exotic vet or they can excanhe notes and the exotic vet can tell the other vet can suggest treatments they do not know how to treat the issue. Exotic vets aren't s common as you think, at kleast here for me it would be a travel of about 120 miles and for someone that doesn't drive that can be hard. Of course if the normal vet was clueless I'm sure people would see an exotic specialist but not everyone has one living in their own town and can drop other commitments just like that.

And if you are stupid enough to refuse a nurses help because you wanted to see a doctor then frankly your an idiot as if the nurse was clueless she would either send you up to hospital with an a&e note or actually get the doctor even if they are in the middle of examining another patient and if you are refusing to see a nurse when offered then it must not be that important!
a33272 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 14:10:04
because going to an exotic vet could cause a delay in vital primary care treatment that a normal vet can still give
lotabob Posted - 10/10/2011 : 13:14:03
Yeah thats what I said, word for word.

What I am saying is when an animal needs a specialist exotics vet then why bother wasting time and money on a regular vet.
a33272 Posted - 09/10/2011 : 19:55:45
Originally posted by lotabob

I'd prefer my animals to be seen by specialists straight away, cost is never an issue when it comes to their health and keen interest doesn't cut it for me.

so what ya sayin is if you were ill an needed to see a doctor but the doctor was booked for the rest of the day an they said the nurse will see you, you would decline an wait till the next day to see the doctor refusing any care or help the nurse could give you
Sta~ple Posted - 09/10/2011 : 18:51:44
Originally posted by lotabob

I'd prefer my animals to be seen by specialists straight away, cost is never an issue when it comes to their health and keen interest doesn't cut it for me.

Most people would but not everyone is as privileged to have that option believe it or not.
lotabob Posted - 09/10/2011 : 17:58:29
I'd prefer my animals to be seen by specialists straight away, cost is never an issue when it comes to their health and keen interest doesn't cut it for me.

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