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eekamouse Posted - 27/09/2011 : 22:46:11
hi, curly has spent the last few days in his 'hot' hide, not coming out at all. i looked in on him tonight and and he was very docile. skin felt clammy and looked dull. he fed well on saturday and has had a poo. i am reasonably sure he is about to shed, his last being 29 days ago. he is about 10/12 weeks old. should i be concerned?

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kdlang Posted - 29/09/2011 : 11:32:17
great news
eekamouse Posted - 28/09/2011 : 21:37:45
yipppeeeeeee.......perfect shed....1 piece...nose to tail! thanks all.
eekamouse Posted - 28/09/2011 : 08:47:04
hi and thank you both. he shed very soon after we got him, i recorded it at 28th august (thank goodness for record keeping) when i found the skin in his faun. he showed no prior signs of shedding but did spend most of the time hidden away...i thought that was just the moving in and stuff. i looked in this morning and he is ok. still dull in colour, eyes fairly clear. seems 'tired' (for want of a better word). temp is ok in the 'hot' end where he is choosing to hang out. peaking at 30.3C and no cooler that 28.2C. rest of the faun is room temp around 21oC at the lowest gradient. assuming he is shedding, i will be releived when he moves on from this phase. the cycle is certainly more complex (at least to our eyes) than my geckos. thanks again all and will keep posted.
kdlang Posted - 28/09/2011 : 06:42:02
Does sound like it could be shedding time. Just check on your temperatures in the warm end but otherwise just look forward to seeing a shiny snakey. Is it his first one with you?
eekamouse Posted - 27/09/2011 : 23:51:47
i guess i am worrying too much. he is usually an active chap (or chapess)and very predictable. hides all day and then on the prowel at dusk. never see him the day after a feed, then a poo and back to his normal self. this is the first time out of routine. oh, and his nose looks shiny.....i do hope he is just preparing to shed.
Emmy1 Posted - 27/09/2011 : 22:58:19
I personally wouldn't be worried if it was my snake, especially if I had a feeling it was coming up to shed time. That may explain the dullness you described. If he's nice and settled in his home you may find they're less inquisitive about they're new surroundings as they come to realise quickly that nothing can harm them and that no other snake is in their territory.

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