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T O P I C    R E V I E W
metalwraith Posted - 27/09/2011 : 12:53:42
we recently got 3 female corns who have co habited for 3 years my wife woke up the snow today and noticed her head was flat and bulbous granted she was underneath the other 2, in human terms it looked like swollen glands it has now went back to normal i think she like the other 2 is over weight and was just scales hanging as she was relaxed while sleeping, she does however wheeze and sneeze so i am gonna take out the aspen out and put in paper instead any advice on this much appreciated
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gingerpony Posted - 28/09/2011 : 21:52:40
another reason could be shed skin rattling in the nasal she due a shed?
BUT as it may potentially be an RI and that CAN be transmissable between snakes in bacterial or viral form i'd strongly recommend they're split up and closely monitored, preferably with the wheezey one as far away as possible from the others.
lotabob Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:42:39
Can't think of any other reason for a wheezing sneezing snake. Immediate quarantine (if its not too late) is essential basic actions you should take immediately on witnessing any symptoms of illness specially an easily spread one such as RI's. For you its all 3 snakes kept together that all need dealing with as if they are sick until proven otherwise (cohabiting con), ideally splitting up so as all clears are given they can be moved out of quarantine away from the animals that are sick. Closing your eyes and hoping for the best will just cost you more money in the long run, seeing if it gets worse is just pointlessly prolonging an illness that is easily treated.
Kehhlyr Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:10:16
Originally posted by gmac

Just because you cant see any mucous or bubbles doesnt mean it is not an RI, it may be the start of one. seperate them and get them all to a vet for checking. Is better doing it now than waiting to for things to get worse.

^^^^that with MASSIVE bells on.

It'll be cheaper in the long run to have 3 snakes just vet checked for possible RI than it would be to have ALL of your snakes treated for RI.
The reason that I say ALL of your snakes is that if you have the stupidity to (what I see) as ignoring the advice of a highly experienced reptile keeper then it's likely that you'll also trust google (who has only just turned 13 as well so has no real experience) in your habitat/cross contamination requirements so will probably infect the rest of the animals.

It just cost me 40 quid to have a turtle LOOKED at by a vet today, I wonder how much it would cost to have 7 snakes looked at and treated by a vet...........
gmac Posted - 27/09/2011 : 21:48:15
Just because you cant see any mucous or bubbles doesnt mean it is not an RI, it may be the start of one. seperate them and get them all to a vet for checking. Is better doing it now than waiting to for things to get worse.
metalwraith Posted - 27/09/2011 : 21:14:06
ok been researching RI and just fed all the snakes tonight, not seen any bubbles mucus or anything around her nose checked her mouth and nasal cavity all clear and healthy and took her feed well her tank is now empty of aspen so now to keep a close eye on her over the next while will keep you all posted but i dont think its a RI but will stay vigilant incase im wrong oh and btw the bump under her chin has not returned either
gmac Posted - 27/09/2011 : 13:05:46
if the snow is wheezing and sneezing this can generally a sign of an RI. How long has the wheezing and sneezing been goin on for. I recommend you seperate her from the others to allow for treatment.

Have a search for RI treatments.

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