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 Corn not going to toilet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NikNacz2112 Posted - 25/09/2011 : 18:00:38
Hi all,

We are really new to keeping snakes and I am concerned that there may be something wrong with our new arrival.

I beleive he is around 3-4 months old. We have had him for around 5 weeks and he has eaten a Pinky every Tuesday since we collected him.

The lady we got him from showed us his last shed which was complete and had just been done a few days before we collected him.

My concern is that we have not noticed any mess in the viv at any stage since we collected him. As I said this was 5 weeks ago today. Is this something to be worried about and should I take him to a vet to be examined.

He has no unusal lumps or bumps that I can see.

He seems active when handled and is strike feeding his food.

He is kept on bark substrate so should not be any impaction problems.

Any advice people can give would be really appreciated.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 04/10/2011 : 13:25:17
Good to hear your snakes een doing his business ok. I think they must be the only animal that we actually get out excited about when they go.....well,till they get bigger that is!
NikNacz2112 Posted - 04/10/2011 : 13:18:03
Just a quick update to let everyone know that Khan has been going quite well it seems and the kitchen towel technique has definitely pointed this out to me.
NikNacz2112 Posted - 26/09/2011 : 13:31:49
Thanks everyone, I am a little more assured that it appears I may just not be noticing the poop rather than him not leaving me any.

Will swap to the kitchen towel and report back in a few days with the results.
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/09/2011 : 10:20:17
Kellogs goes in the bath every 3 weeks, he has a branch that gets him right out of the bath, has a rest, goes back in, lasts bout 10 min till he climbs right out
paulie78 Posted - 26/09/2011 : 01:01:12
First thing Eddie did when i brought him home and put him in his tub was dive straight into the water bowl coil up and just sat there for an hour lol i was terrified i was thinking hed drown or something he just likes water lol
lotabob Posted - 25/09/2011 : 23:50:47
Originally posted by Emmy1

My snake enjoys water

scottishbluebird Posted - 25/09/2011 : 22:31:13
If you change to kitchen roll for a few weeks and still nothing then try the bath, but i am sure you will be doing a happy dance when you see poop on the kitchen roll!!
grudie Posted - 25/09/2011 : 20:02:18
i was a little worried mine hadnt done her usual amount one week until i looked in her hide.......found it lol

i found it hard the first few weeks too with them doing such a small amount that dries up very quickly and that was on wood chip too
Emmy1 Posted - 25/09/2011 : 19:28:34
My snake enjoys water, so I like to let her bathe at least once a week as an alternative to handling her for exercise. However, it's rare she poops in water. Uusually I find it within the large pebbles in her viv. Switching to kitchen roll/ newspaper may help see the little poops better as suggested above.
ScalySituation Posted - 25/09/2011 : 19:03:10
its a last resort really
NikNacz2112 Posted - 25/09/2011 : 18:54:37
Cheers peeps, I was getting worried that he was not going at all. I have had some suggestions to pop him in the bath too in some warm water 25 - 28 degrees?

What's the general opinion on this.

Lotabob, I have 3 kids, 4 cats a dog and a ****atiel so used to getting familiar with waste by products and mess :-)
ScalySituation Posted - 25/09/2011 : 18:44:40
i find handling and letting her wander on a towel helps sonny go
lotabob Posted - 25/09/2011 : 18:37:01
I've had a hatchling on woodchip and it was almost impossible to find the poo as its so small and dries out very quickly too making it even harder to find on bark you have no chance, its dark and the poo is dark. As above kitchen roll is your best best just until you get familiar with their waste (yep I did just say that). Maybe clean the cage out too there is 5 weeks worth of poop in there.
gmac Posted - 25/09/2011 : 18:05:05
its only a small corn so is most likely his waste is hiding away in the bark especially if you cant see any bumps around the vent area, its always a good idea to keep new corns on kitchen paper to see if they are doing all they should be doing.

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