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 Shedding issues

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bigiron Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:07:25
Hi All

We have our first Cornsnake Fang, only had him a week. Have had issues with the Viv as it turns out it's not quite suitable but hopefully a new one should be sorted by this weekend.

The problem is he started to Shed last Friday, over two days he seemed to bit by bit shed. However he hasn't finished shedding and now has a patch of skin along his back which is dull and pealing.

Am very concerned as he is very twitchy, tried to take him out tonight to rub him down with a damp towel. He let me approach but as he moved over my hand he twitched and seemed to move quicker.

He doesn't seem happy and spent the next 5 minutes moving round the viv till he could get back to his hide.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If there is not improvement by Saturday will take him back to the store to let them have a look.

He had been in this Viv for the last year at least so I'm not sure what the cause is ??? Is this normal ?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigiron Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:50:18
Also forgot to add - his tail seemed tender as when I touched his tail he twitched as if it caused pain.
gmac Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:16:15
if it has been this long, i would be tempted to let the snake run through a damp cloth to get the shed off. Or give it a ten minute bath to loosen the skin then run through a cloth.

If you bath it make sure the water is not deeper than 3/4 of the snake and not hotter than 29 deg C

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