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 peculiar lump...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kevin02 Posted - 21/09/2011 : 17:11:09
i have a two year old carolina corn snake. He is about three feet long and i use a red bulb for heating...
The other day i noticed a strange lump on the underside of my snake. I was rather confused so i decided it was probably just some undigested food. However i got him out two days later and it was still there but it had split into two lumps. I let him slither around a bit then when i went to put him back into the vivarium the lump had turned back into one large lump...
I have no idea what it could be...
I think he may be a bit portly as well as there is another smaller lump around his bum, that has been there for a while though
If anyone has any information that might help me i would be much obliged :)
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Mort13 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:23:53
Hmm,I can't really make anything out on the first pic.
Although your snake has not been with another,if you are not totally sure of the sex there is still the possibility of the lumps being eggs as females have been known to lay unfertilized eggs (slugs) without being mated.
I'd definitely recommend you get your snake seen by an exotics vet.
lotabob Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:59:39
That looks like quite a chunky snake there, its possibly a fatty deposit but I'm not overly clued up on fat snakes. When was he last fed, what did he eat, when did he last go to the toilet? How often do you feed him? The tail shape suggests he is a he just a bit overweight in my opinion. Its not going to do any harm to get it checked out by an exotics vet and someone may recognise that sort of lump as a fatty deposit from their experiences.
kevin02 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 21:51:18
Here are some pictures of this lump...
There is also one of his tail which has a bit of a lump around his bum but i'm not too concerned about that...

lotabob Posted - 21/09/2011 : 22:59:10
Picture? Or is it just felt internally?
LarkaDawg Posted - 21/09/2011 : 20:27:08
Oh, then I would take him to the vet if it's still there tomorrow morning, hope it gets better :)

Also, pictures might help, perhaps someone else on here could work it out with them?
kevin02 Posted - 21/09/2011 : 18:50:06
I am pretty sure it's a he...
I've had him for about a year i think and he has never met any other males i am pretty sure he's not pregnant but that lump is rather worrying...
LarkaDawg Posted - 21/09/2011 : 18:07:08
Are you sure it's a he? How long have you had him? Has he ever been with any males? If so, has he been out or has anyone else had him where he might have layed eggs? I'm not very experienced but this is all I can think of, good luck.

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