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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vickilou89 Posted - 16/09/2011 : 01:53:00
My pewter seems quite angry, all my others are tame easy snakes and sj started off ok but now every time I open the viv door he gets jumpy and I have to lay my hand down for about 10 mins before he will accept me handling him. He is a year old and in a 2ft viv, temps are right and the same as the others, his hide is the right size, clean water every day, fed once a week and all the others are the same and very easy going. I'm just not sure what I'm doing with him to make him so volatile? Is it just a case of him being an angry snake or is there some thing I can do to chill him out a little? All of my corns came from the same shop too so same upbringing as the others x
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kris01 Posted - 22/09/2011 : 22:51:29
possibly ready to shed
my corn is sometimes just in a grupy mood but after been left alone and a bit of handleing apart from when in shed she calms down
Mort13 Posted - 16/09/2011 : 10:09:48
As above really?
Also it may just be that he has a more nervous nature.
Auld Baldy Posted - 16/09/2011 : 02:50:50
Is he due to shed, perhaps?
Any scale damage or irritation?

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