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 Possibly fed a partially thawed pinky - help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shade Posted - 15/09/2011 : 12:37:59
In our haste to give our new baby (Anery Morph -approx 4 months old)it's first feed with us we may have fed it a partially thawed pinky. It took it straight off and it seems to have been OK overnight. BUT what ill effects may this have? What should we look out for? Will it even survive!! We're really worried so any help would be very welcome. Thanks.
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Simmy_82 Posted - 16/09/2011 : 14:28:43
Assume it went ok with the other?
shade Posted - 16/09/2011 : 13:51:39
Thanks for the last tip - no we didn't really give him a settling in period because he seemed quite in the shop so we continued to handle him. I also think he was hungry. We'll give him a week of settling in and another feed and then see how he is. Thanks again.
garrie Posted - 15/09/2011 : 14:56:46
Did you give them a settling in period without handling them? It sounds as though the Royal may appreciate a week if you haven't...simply going in just to change water/spot check.

If you have given them a settling in period, then it will just take a bit of time for them to get used to you and calm down
shade Posted - 15/09/2011 : 13:42:43
Thanks for the quick reply and reassurance. We'll keep an eye out for poo over the next couple of days. We only got it last Sunday so are having to learn fast. We've also got a Royal male same age that's quite aggressive biting the minute you go near him. He's also had his first feed with us so this may calm him down a bit! Oh and thanks for the welcome - I'm afraid with the worry I rather forgot my natural courtesy.
Kehhlyr Posted - 15/09/2011 : 13:27:25
I'd just keep an eye on it for now.
Pinks thaw very quickly, so even if it was partially defrosted then hopefully it wouldn't have been cold for long as it went down and would've only given a little bit of 'brain freeze' type thing.
Just keep your eye out for the poo that usually comes back out in a couple days. Usually if snakes have issues with a prey item they will regurge it, so hopefully you've had no problems but just a bit of worry.
Keep us updated, and welcome to the forum.

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