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 shedding loads

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MissRobinson Posted - 14/09/2011 : 18:10:11

my female adult corn seems to be shedding quite a lot. She shed two weeks ago and before that about three weeks ago and it looks like she is going to shed again. feeding is normal. Went on holiday when she shed two weeks ago and left her at the local pet shop for 10 days. they said she was really greedy and ate like 3 mice in a go. could it be she is just growing faster because of eating more. other than that she seems healthy and the last sheds were fine. just wanted to know if this was normal.

thanks in advance
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dancross0 Posted - 15/09/2011 : 07:53:34
My 2 year old corn has been through a bit of a rapid shed cycle, but that was during the breeding season; he rubbed his nose too much, and had a bit of an injury. He shed again this week, and the little bit of the injury that you can see in the sig pic has now gone!
MissRobinson Posted - 14/09/2011 : 19:35:42
yeah thought it was a bit strange. the shedding did become more frequent before I left her there for 10days. Maybe I should get her checked out just to be sure
gingerpony Posted - 14/09/2011 : 19:22:11
she's not picked up a few 'freebies' from the shop has she?
it IS excessive for an adult corn, even internal/not visible injury could cause this eg. bruising

and anybody stupid enough to feed her 3 mice in one go wouldn't be getting my repeat business!
MissRobinson Posted - 14/09/2011 : 19:14:08
yeah I've checked her over. I can't see any injuries.
lotabob Posted - 14/09/2011 : 19:06:42
Have you checked her over for injuries?
Red123 Posted - 14/09/2011 : 18:14:02
I had an adult shed then shed again 2 weeks after that. It only happened the once though. I would think that as long as she is feeding/pooping and seems healthy then I personally would worry to muchS she is probably just having a growing spurt especially if eating more. I'm sure someone will coreect me if they feel differently though :)

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