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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Spreebok Posted - 11/09/2011 : 23:58:16
Hey, I'm probably just a wee bit worried over nothing, but I thought I should ask.
I had Holly out just now, tissue at hand, as I know what she's like for pooping on the carpet. Anyway, she arched her tail a teeny bit, so the tissue went under as a precaution. She left a few damp spots on the tissue, and 2 little red things.
The red things are about 1mm long, and look like a teeny bit blood attached to a booger. Aha, here's some pictures:

Things to note:
She's approximately 4 years old
Not confirmed by me as female, but prev owner said she was
5ft long
Is currently 860grams (we're working on it!)
Is out at least twice a day when not fed.
Eats like a flipping pig, currently having 1 weaner a month (Diet haha)
Shed the other day
Drinks and is very alert and active

She always seems to bulge her bottom end out by her vent, as is she were full of poop, ready to go. She doesn't bulge the actual inside of the vent out. You can run your hand over the bulge, and she goes back to having the regular post poo flatness. The bulging seems to occur when she's straining herself, for example, when I've picked her up by her middle and she's trying to pull herself up onto my arm. She has never been mated, and I've had a good feel and I'm sure there's nothing in there, it's squishy.

She did have a very painful looking poop the other day (as described in my thread) and she had an AWFUL amount of trouble passing one particular lump. Culd it be that she just hurt herself a bit doing that, and these little bits are just the result?

I dunno, I don't think it's anything serious, they are literally tiny. But I haven't encountered it before, so I though I better check!

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Spreebok Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:57:41
Originally posted by eeji

looks like shed skin from his hemipenes

Haha, so you reckon it's just of his winkle(s) then? xD
Mort13 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:38:57
Originally posted by eeji

looks like shed skin from his hemipenes

eeji Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:37:49
looks like shed skin from his hemipenes
Spreebok Posted - 12/09/2011 : 13:39:54
Bit of news!
I just went out and got Holly probed, and she is actually a HE!

So, if that helps, Holly is officially Male!
Spreebok Posted - 12/09/2011 : 12:49:59
Ta for the replies guys! I'm not too worried, she doesn't seem to be in any danger :)
It probably is just the result of the other nights blockage, but I'll hang about for any other suggestions!
Mamma Posted - 12/09/2011 : 12:44:37
Originally posted by kdlang

Sorry I cant help but I'm sure one of the more medically knowledgable people will be along soon. The only time I have seen anything similar is when one of mine have kinda wiped their bums on the tissue after pooping but can't remember whether it is just the males/females or both that have done it

I think Sika's hoggie does this quite alot. But yes one of the more knowledgeable people will be able to answer
kdlang Posted - 12/09/2011 : 11:40:33
Sorry I cant help but I'm sure one of the more medically knowledgable people will be along soon. The only time I have seen anything similar is when one of mine have kinda wiped their bums on the tissue after pooping but can't remember whether it is just the males/females or both that have done it

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