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 mat statt

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kerry84 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 21:55:14
im just about to buy a matt statt but im not sure if im getting the right one. some of them have temp gauges and some dont, ive also brought a digital probe.
The statt that doesnt have a temp gage do u just use the digital thermomter to set the heat on the statt. Or do i have this all totally wrong ???
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kdlang Posted - 12/09/2011 : 11:26:54
If you elastic band your thermostat and thermometer probes together and make sure they are both lying flat on the heatmat then you know they are both reading from the same spot. Some people put their probes on top of the substrate (make sure its only a very thin layer of substrate, just a sprinkling really) but i put mine directly on the heatmat as that is what will be the hottest place. If I am setting up a thermostat with the snake in situ then I err on the side of caustion to begin with. I set the thermostat to 26 then leave it for a couple of hours. Check the reading on your thermometer and if its below 27 then turn the dial up a small amount and leave again for temperatures to stabalise. Keep an eye on what the maximum and minimum temperatures are and keep adjusting as necessary. Just remember to allow time after each adjustment for the readings on the thermometer to stabalise. It may take a few days until your entirely happy with the temperatures but once they are it is such a relief not to have to worry about the mat overheating.
paulie78 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 09:03:51
28-29 would be perfect
kerry84 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 00:35:44
ahhhh brill thanks again lol i added u on youtube :) what temp am i looking to set it again ??
paulie78 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 00:06:43
Yes set the thermostat then check the digital thermometers temp and adjust the stat accordingly it took me a day to really get the temperatures within the correct range just make tiny adjustments to the stat nothing drastic or itll take u longer to get it right lol
kerry84 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 23:50:59
ive been told so many things so read the temp of the digatl thermometer then ajust the thermostat ? to only put the dial to what u need it as you dont need a thermometer ahhhhh lol

eeji Posted - 11/09/2011 : 23:20:58
ignore the readings on the thermostat and take it from your thermometer which should have its probe directly on the heat mat
kerry84 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 22:28:40
the mat is in side of the viv so the probe sits on the mat its self or on the aspen ?? and what should the prob be reading ??
paulie78 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 22:06:46
If its like mine the microclimate type it just has a lil dial set it to thirty place your digital thermoteter probe atop the mat or on the base of ur viv if the mats under it ideally you want the warm end around 28-29 the on off stats will vary a bit and you will probably have to adjust the stat a few times till you get it within the correct range

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