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 Damaged scales

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Samanthalp Posted - 08/09/2011 : 23:14:52
My snake went behind the fire (wasnt on) He only shed few days ago so all nice with a fresh coat of paint. But he was stuck when he pulled him self out he has scuffed his scales about half inch from his head. Is there anything i should do ? there is no blood and he still roaming around like a nutter.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
eeji Posted - 09/09/2011 : 17:18:05
if its just scuffed scales i wouldn't even bother cleaning him, he will sort himself out within the next shed or two
gingerpony Posted - 09/09/2011 : 13:37:43
yeah i lost the b****y whitesided ratsnake when i opened his tub to feed him last night, he's back safe and sound but they're so damn quick, i really hate hatchies!!!

and as for any treatment, as per lotabob above ^^ the scuffs should shed out in a bit of time
lotabob Posted - 08/09/2011 : 23:27:51
Just dont let it free roam, too much chance of losing them or them injuring themselves they can suddenly bolt and you'll have no chance of stopping them.
Samanthalp Posted - 08/09/2011 : 23:24:39
Thanks I didnt think there was much i could really do. Just another hole i now need to block up in the house :)
lotabob Posted - 08/09/2011 : 23:17:31
If its not an open wound just give it a quick clean with warm water, dry it again and leave it alone, any damage will shed out and the scales have done their job protecting the snake.

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