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T O P I C    R E V I E W
garrie Posted - 08/09/2011 : 20:05:29
So...the shop was out of mice so the OH had to get Multi Mammates...

sourced from here -

Searched and found a couple of bits in the forum suggesting they are fine and nutritional, just wondering whether there is much chance of AURYN getting hooked on them? To be honest, because i "can" go straight to AandN (much cheaper than pet shop as the sizes get bigger), I would be happy for him to live off them (if he does actually go for it)..any real reason why i shouldn't?

Cheers all
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
garrie Posted - 09/09/2011 : 14:00:17
Cheers Mike, good to know others happily feed their snakes with them (without them being just for difficult feeders). So the fat content isn't high like rats?
mikerichards Posted - 09/09/2011 : 13:12:22
I breed multi's too, and use them for corns all the time, never had any issues with swapping between the 2, Multis get a lot bigger than mice though, so dont go buying adult ones!
garrie Posted - 08/09/2011 : 23:18:32
Cool, cheers both - i shall give him a try with one and see how it goes
gingerpony Posted - 08/09/2011 : 21:23:29
multis aren't too bad, we've got 9 in the freezer that i've been meaning to feed to the corns when i remember!
lotabob Posted - 08/09/2011 : 20:09:35
They can get 'hooked' on a food sort but if it eats mice now its likely it will still eat mice when offered one or refuse the multi's, if anything they stick to what they have always known. I feed my corn a mix of mice and rats and he never hesitates with either.

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