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 sexing corns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mkmattyk Posted - 02/09/2011 : 18:42:43
sooo.... ive just been quoted over 40pounds for a vet to sex the 6corns that yet have to sexed 4hatches and 2yearlings

my questions are
1. is that a fair price?? and if not does any one know anyone who would, i would pay not much but i wouldnt expect it for free
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mkmattyk Posted - 14/09/2011 : 16:25:27
do you think if i take them down to donny show someone might be able to sex them for me
eeji Posted - 03/09/2011 : 18:08:58
hatchies can be probed if they know what they're doing
mkmattyk Posted - 03/09/2011 : 13:54:53
petcity in bradford have said that they will do my hatches
Katie.Dublin Posted - 03/09/2011 : 13:41:25
I got two of mine sexed for free in my Rep shop!
tordyjo Posted - 03/09/2011 : 10:08:22
hatchies can be popped or probed, get to a local reptile shop was told mine charged a pound got there and they didn't charge a penny - but yet i did buy another snake while i was in there :P
mkmattyk Posted - 02/09/2011 : 22:21:35
nearest is pets@home, then its PFT and i asked GP and PFT only probe if i remember correctly and most are hatches
eeji Posted - 02/09/2011 : 21:31:11
youch!! give your local snakey shop a call, most will do it for free :)
paulie78 Posted - 02/09/2011 : 19:07:39
Blimey the place i got eddie from will charge £5 quid to sex snakes id imagine the majority of the cost for the vets to do it is the consultation fee (usually around 25-30 quid)

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