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 Habistat Mat-stat

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 15/06/2010 : 19:23:14

Creates the perfect enviroment

Habistat mat-stat thermostat by Living earth electronics. I have owned this for approx 4 months reason I am selling is that my snake has recently moved house (well viv) and the new viv has a thermostat built in.

This item is in as new condition in origanal box and comes with 5 years guarantee,

Economy thermostat controlling 100w
Terrarium/Aquarium thermostat
State of the art Technology and laboratory precision
Waterproof probe on a long lead for precise remote sensing
Looking for £20 collected from Leicester or £22 posted
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
reptiledanny Posted - 07/07/2010 : 20:48:44
i actually need a dimmer stat though
Tatsie-j Posted - 07/07/2010 : 19:22:57
Originally posted by hiper2009

Originally posted by M1TCH

no sorry its collection only

Its ok i found a dimmer stat on Ebay for £15 with free P&P. Cheers anyways.

yh as danny said r there more?
reptiledanny Posted - 07/07/2010 : 18:16:28
was it a buy it now, do they have any more? i am after a dimmer stat, do u have the link if they have any more
sorry to hijack thread
hiper2009 Posted - 17/06/2010 : 01:02:27
Originally posted by M1TCH

no sorry its collection only

Its ok i found a dimmer stat on Ebay for £15 with free P&P. Cheers anyways.
n/a Posted - 16/06/2010 : 22:03:58
no sorry its collection only
hiper2009 Posted - 16/06/2010 : 11:41:22
Originally posted by M1TCH

Leicester forest east

Is that fosse park way ? Can you drop off i live 5 mins away from abbey park.
n/a Posted - 16/06/2010 : 07:45:29
Leicester forest east
hiper2009 Posted - 16/06/2010 : 00:55:33
Originally posted by M1TCH


Creates the perfect enviroment

Habistat mat-stat thermostat by Living earth electronics. I have owned this for approx 4 months reason I am selling is that my snake has recently moved house (well viv) and the new viv has a thermostat built in.

This item is in as new condition in origanal box and comes with 5 years guarantee,

Economy thermostat controlling 100w
Terrarium/Aquarium thermostat
State of the art Technology and laboratory precision
Waterproof probe on a long lead for precise remote sensing
Looking for £20 collected from Leicester or £22 posted

Hi where abouts in Leicester are you as im from Leicester Belgrave area , and im intrested in your stat for my other cornsnake.

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