T O P I C R E V I E W |
Kez |
Posted - 19/07/2013 : 18:21:31 We have two Baja Rosy Boas for sale, nearly 2yrs old. They feed well (except when in blue/shed, when they refuse) although they can be shy eaters; they poop well and shed well. I am not 100% certain of sex as we didn't get them probed but they were sold as male and female from the same parents and born on the same date.
Unfortunately, the male snake in particular can be very defensive and I'm sad to admit that this has caused both myself and my Husband to lose all confidence in handling/keeping them; I have been bitten twice and struck at on numerous occasions and whilst the bites don't really hurt, the strikes and not knowing what's coming is making me sick with fear. My Husband will not go anywhere near and I have to use a glove just to summon up the courage to handle them. We also have two Corn Snakes, which we owned for some time before buying the Boas and the behaviour of this particular Boa is causing us to become nervous of our Corns too and we are not prepared to let that happen. We are certain that the Boas will become tolerant of being handled if someone who has experience of defensive snakes and is not fearful of them takes them on. Sadly, that’s not us.
Whilst we feel guilty and like we're giving up, we have thought long and hard about the situation before coming to this decision and it’s been very difficult. We'd rather sell the Boas now and be able to keep the Corns, than keep the Boas and end up having to get rid of all of the snakes because of fear of them all.
Although scared, we still care about the snakes' future welfare and want to ensure that they are sold only to someone who is experienced with and cares for snakes. We are asking £180 for the pair and would like the buyer to see the snakes and collect as we do not feel comfortable with sending them by courier.
In addition to the snakes, we also have a beech viv (36x18x18) for sale along with all the fittings; 2 ceramic bulbs (200w & 100w) with light fitting and guard, Habistat pulse stat, 4 plants (inc. 2 silk ones), 3 hides, slate tile and water bowl. For all of this, we are asking £150.
We are based in Northants and my e-mail is in my profile. Please e-mail with any questions.
18 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Kez |
Posted - 03/08/2013 : 17:08:32 It certainly was Smart bunny, yes. We're lucky that my Husband checked them before we left, as we had placed a dark tea towel lightly over the top to try and keep them from being too stressed and he just happened to have some sort of sixth sense and thought he needed to check them, otherwise I dread to think what the outcome would have been  |
smart bunny |
Posted - 03/08/2013 : 16:02:07 OMG, what a traumatic experience for you Sorry things didn't work out for you with them - but at least it happened whilst you were watching so you were able to separate them. Hopefully they will be OK now, and you will still be happy with your corns and not put off the corns by their behaviour. |
Kez |
Posted - 03/08/2013 : 14:34:57 Hi Smart bunny & Scary and thank you both so much for your support during this really difficult period 
After sending the member on RFUK a PM asking them if they were interested in the Boas and receiving no reply, we made the really difficult decision to return the Boas to the Reptile Centre this morning However, that was not without its own trauma as after popping them both into a plastic tub to return them in, the male decided to try and kill the female by biting onto her head and constricting her To say we were absolutely horrified and distraught would be an understatement, we had to try and get them apart and he didn't want to let go In the end, we had to use a trick Auld Baldy has suggested to other members previously and put a little Meths onto a tissue and hold it near. I had to use some tongs to gently lift his upper jaw to get him to release his teeth, had to do this two or three times because he just kept constricting so tightly that I'd lose grip and his head would disappear and he'd bite on again. Eventually, after a desperate fight, I managed to get him off and put him in another tub he was fed, so I don't believe he was trying to eat her, I think he was just peed off and we perhaps put her in with him too quickly after him being stressed, I really don't know, but it was the most horrific thing we have ever had to deal with. Needless to say, Candy was stressed and had some blood in her mouth, but she seemed to recover by the time we got to the Centre and was scenting and mooching around her tub as normal. The Manager checked her over and she had a bite on her mouth, but hopefully no further more serious damage. They're going to look after them and keep a check on them for a while before deciding what to do with them, they're in the best place.
So anyway, I can honestly say I am very pleased they have gone back to the Centre, despite feeling like a failure, I just hope things turn out ok for them. Both of us feel so stressed and upset about the morning's events, think it's gonna take a few hours to get over it at the very least. Thank you both again for your help and words of support, it really did help  |
smart bunny |
Posted - 03/08/2013 : 13:30:35 Let us know how you get on. |
ScaryVonHayleystine |
Posted - 31/07/2013 : 19:47:10 Just the way i am, cant stop apologising sometimes :L |
Kez |
Posted - 31/07/2013 : 11:31:21 Hi Smart bunny and thank you sooo much for your help. I have registered at RFUK purely for this purpose and have PM'd the member concerned. I'll see what I get back, but thanks again your help.
Scary, thanks and no need to apologise, I will keep you updated. |
ScaryVonHayleystine |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 22:19:06 Thats totally understandable Kez, But keep me updated yeah. Again, sorry i cant help. |
smart bunny |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 21:50:33 Please don't feel you are being a wuss, you are a caring, compassionate person who, although you no longer want the snakes, aren't just dumping them somewhere or letting them be neglected/starve etc because you care about their welfare. I was also tempted to suggest you advertise on RFUK just because it is so busy and a lot more people would see your ad. I know it can be a little intimidating over there as it is SO BIG lol, but I really don't think you'd get any nasty posts - it is obvious from your first post in this thread that you only have the snake's best interests at heart.
In fact....
Gmac/other mods I'm really sorry if this goes against the rules too much, but am just trying to help, please delete this bit if not acceptable....
If you look at this thread here, and scroll down a bit to post #7 you'll see a post from a memer called southeast geckos located in Essex - they actually state in their sig they want rosy boas and depending on whereabouts in Essex they are they may not be that far from you, it may be worth just pm ing them and seeing if they may be interested? http://www.reptileforums.co.uk/forums/snake-classifieds/976599-collection-rosy-boas-sale.html |
Kez |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 21:48:46 Awww, thanks Scary, I appreciate your understanding 
I couldn't take them to a rescue centre really as the Mum of the shop manager at the reptile centre, whom I get on really well with, actually runs the local reptile rescue and she is absolutely overrun, bless her. I know she loves what she does, but it wouldn't feel right landing her with two more because then I feel like I'm handing her an even bigger food and electric bill for the light, heat and food. Also, I have so much respect for her and what she does that I would feel like a failure and I'd be devastated if she lost her respect for me. I love my Corns and am definitely keeping them, but even so, I just wouldn't be comfortable with lumbering her with them, if that makes sense  |
ScaryVonHayleystine |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 20:29:19 You have done what you can, you both have been strong through the distressing ordeal for yourselves ad the snakes, and i commend you for still keeping up the care through the fear youve expressed in the topic. Im happy that you still want whats best for them and are trying to find them a good home. But if you really want the sale to go quick, you could even give them to rescue centres. |
Kez |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 20:15:51 Hi Razee and thanks so much for the suggestion I hadn't considered that to be honest, I've only ever used TCS and found the members to all be so friendly and non-judgemental that it's the only site I thought of. I could try RFUK I suppose, but I'm so worried that I'll get someone who is less than kind or understanding and I really don't think I could deal with being verbally abused or belittled for my reasons and circumstances. Although I am scared of them, I still care about their welfare and I am really upset that I have had to make the decision I have.
I'll have a little think about it for a bit. Thanks again so much, I really appreciate your help  |
Razee |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 18:45:19 Just a suggestion - have you tried advertising them on the dark side ( RFUK ) or on Captive bred forum? RFUK especially has got thousands of members, and the classified section is very busy. Not the "friendliest" place, but there are some decent people there, too. |
Kez |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 16:31:31 Hi Smart bunny and thanks for the reply 
Yes, they are housed together; it's how they have always been as they were born from the same parents from the same pregnancy and how we bought them from the reptile centre we use; in fact, we spoke to the owner's Son at the centre last weekend and he was really surprised at the behaviour as, apparently, they're usually very docile. We were assured that they would be perfectly happy like this and that they would not breed as they require specific conditions and changes to be made before they will mate and that's why we were happy to keep them housed together. They were ok together when we first had them and I don't know if it's just that he's being viv defensive.
Perhaps you could be right, the problem is that after yesterday's experience I just cannot cope with the thought of handling them anymore; he bites whether he's in the viv or out. I don't want to feed in the viv as I know this will make the problem worse, so I have been braving it until now to feed outside of it. My Husband won't even go near anymore as I was always the more confident with the snakes, so I know if I'm scared there's not really much more I can do except find them another home with someone who doesn't have a fear of being struck at and bitten. I feel really bad and like I'm being a wuss, but I really do feel as though I'm at my wits end and whilst it's taken me weeks to make the decision, now I've made it I won't change it. If no-one is interested in taking them on, I may just end up taking them back to the reptile centre.
Thanks for your help  |
smart bunny |
Posted - 27/07/2013 : 13:54:30 I'm so sorry, it obviously sounds like you have tried, but are now at the end of your tether with them, and that last bite certainly does not sound like a lot of fun :(
I just have one question - are they housed together? You mention you have one viv for sale not two (but obviously that could be because you want to keep the second). If they are housed together then separating them may be all that's needed if it is actually the co-habbing which is stressing the male? Just a suggestion, I realise that you want to sell, not go out and buy new equipment for them, but maybe just housing him in a RUB for a short while would be enough to see if his attitude changes? You could always use the RUB for storage later ;) (Obviously ignore this if they are already housed separately!) |
Kez |
Posted - 26/07/2013 : 17:44:05 *Bump*
OK, we really do need to get these snakes re-homed. If anyone is interested and would like to make a realistic offer, these will be considered. After being bitten and held onto with constriction for 25mins after feeding I really can't cope with keeping these Boas any longer 
Thanks all  |
Kez |
Posted - 22/07/2013 : 10:18:34 *Bump* |
Kez |
Posted - 19/07/2013 : 23:54:02 Thanks Scary, I really do hope so too  |
ScaryVonHayleystine |
Posted - 19/07/2013 : 20:03:01 Sorry to hear about the circumstances and hope they can go to a good home. |