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 Amel Stripe

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Jo-And-Danny Posted - 05/10/2010 : 16:07:21
pet shop near us has an amel stripe hatchling in, proper gorgeous one.

how much would you expect to pay for one??
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Doogle Posted - 05/10/2010 : 21:27:34
Yeah i know what you mean about pet shops and how they price they snakes and not bothered about hets or where it came from as long as they make their profit! Must be one reason i have never bought a snake from one! I like to know where my snakes came from and that they have been cared for properly and not from some guy who took a bulk load into the shop and sold them cheap! And for some reason if they did say it was het something im not convinced it would be if i didnt talk to the breeder or know the shop to have a good reputation? I have to be honest some pet shop dont have a clue about reptiles! I usually go in and feel sorry of the reps! LOL

Ive seen so many under fed or without hides so the customers can see them all the time! Beardies with feet missing and hardly no tail coz they are over crowded under fed! And so on!

Dont get me wrong there are some really good ones out there and i try to stick to those!

Anyway the question was how much do they usually go for so i said what makes the price differ (eg hets) as to people who are thinking of breeding it means a lot! Sometimes the hets can make a snake! Sorry for the rant! LOL

And £30 is a good price for a Amel stripe! Go for it!

Sorry that makes me sound like a right moaning git! LOL
Jo-And-Danny Posted - 05/10/2010 : 20:40:50
he's a proper little stunner, his RUB said he was het Anery too, his stripe was a little broken towards the end but was still a really bright orange and almost silver white belly!
tehbunneh Posted - 05/10/2010 : 19:36:31
I was going to say, a lot of the pet shops, even ones that have a specialised reptile area don't often take the hets of the snake into consideration, so I can't say that from a pet shop it makes that much difference. They seem to know which morphs are rarer, or deserve a higher price tag, but a lot seem to be lacking the knowledge of hets. Most places I've been too seem to set £60 as the bench mark and deduct and add to the price depending on the rarity of the morph that is visual on the snake, as well as the age. If the hatchling is something you adore, and you aren't overly fussed over its hets, I'd say get it, if you have the space and means! £30 for that little fella seems to be an absolute bargain!!
crazy JJ Posted - 05/10/2010 : 19:17:57
i paid £40 for mine :D
DannyBrown91 Posted - 05/10/2010 : 19:12:04
Most reptile shops i have been to don't take hets into consideration, probably because they charge so much in the first place.
Doogle Posted - 05/10/2010 : 18:23:25
It Really depends on Colour,Striping and hets! As all these add and change the value of a snake! You would pay more for a snake with a perfect stripe and great colour! Than one with a broken stripe with light colours! And hets mean alot definitely if you want to breed from it! But yeah between £30 and £80 sounds right! Maybe a little more if it had rare hets!
DannyBrown91 Posted - 05/10/2010 : 18:11:05
£30 for an Amel stripe is pretty cheap. Most reptile shops i have seen charge £60 - £80 for them.
Jo-And-Danny Posted - 05/10/2010 : 16:35:09
wow this one is only £30!

we're selling our last snake though so cant justify getting another!!
zandefloss Posted - 05/10/2010 : 16:28:51
I paid eighty smackers for my hatcling, and it was worth every penny :)

zan x

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