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princessbroxy Posted - 02/10/2010 : 16:19:52
Hi here's some pics of Dave as requested.

Sold as a Butter Motley X Hypo Motley

Any Idesa please??
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
eeji Posted - 19/11/2010 : 19:58:57
looks normal motley to me
Red123 Posted - 19/11/2010 : 15:15:05
Whichever morph he turns out to be I think he looks stunning.
Invalid User Posted - 19/11/2010 : 08:58:53
Gorgeous snake.
Brookestar Posted - 03/10/2010 : 18:43:57
stunning snake tho
princessbroxy Posted - 03/10/2010 : 18:35:40
Yup put stuff in wrong doh comes out as Motley het Amel, Caramel, Hypo as you say Doogie He was bought at Doncaster show, So It'll be when we breed him out we'll find out more I guess..
Doogle Posted - 03/10/2010 : 17:54:40
It could actually be just a Motley het Caramel amel hypo and the hets as acting as visual hets as sometimes caramel and hypo can shine through quite strongly!

Only real way is ask the breeder or find out when you breed it yourself!
DannyBrown91 Posted - 03/10/2010 : 17:38:45
Originally posted by princessbroxy

Yeh Danny his parents where Butter Motley x Hypo Motley which according to the corn calculator should make him 100% Butter ( Amel, Caramel ) het Motley, Hypo but as far as I know the Butter has a red eye which he doesn't and he's motley with the clean belly?

Don't make sense to me, anyone else any ideas then??

You must have put something in wrong because it would make him motley het Caramel, Amel, Hypo. Which i would say is still a possibility.

Originally posted by Brookestar

if they were his parents he would be normal motley het caramel, amel, hypo

Unless there were unknown hets. The Hypo Motley could have been het caramel.
Figs Posted - 03/10/2010 : 17:21:32
Originally posted by Brookestar

no if his parents are butter motley x hypo motley it makes normal motley het hypo, caramel, amel

unless the hypo parent was het for caramel?
Brookestar Posted - 03/10/2010 : 17:03:23
no if his parents are butter motley x hypo motley it makes normal motley het hypo, caramel, amel
princessbroxy Posted - 03/10/2010 : 16:55:18
Yeh Danny his parents where Butter Motley x Hypo Motley which according to the corn calculator should make him 100% Butter ( Amel, Caramel ) het Motley, Hypo but as far as I know the Butter has a red eye which he doesn't and he's motley with the clean belly?

Don't make sense to me, anyone else any ideas then??
Brookestar Posted - 03/10/2010 : 16:23:45
if they were his parents he would be normal motley het caramel, amel, hypo
DannyBrown91 Posted - 03/10/2010 : 13:48:16
Im guessing the Butter Motley x Hypo Motley, are his parents. The first thing that came to my mind was caramel motley. If my idea is correct then he may well be het Amel and Hypo aswell.
Doogle Posted - 03/10/2010 : 11:05:53
First impression i would say caramel motley! It maybe het amel which would make it het butter! Got a good motley patten tho!
princessbroxy Posted - 03/10/2010 : 09:23:13
Figs I'm tending with you at the moment with Caramel Motley looks like the one on Ians Vivarium??
mikerichards Posted - 02/10/2010 : 16:53:10
yup, not a butter, but is a motley. I would imagine, hypo motley. possibly miami, but not sure. either way, its not a butter motley.
Figs Posted - 02/10/2010 : 16:41:57
So handsome!
Since he doesnt have red eyes i'm thinking he's not butter...

caramel motley?

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