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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gaz_1989 Posted - 29/09/2010 : 20:51:28
Hi Folks,

I think Im getting the basics of morphs and hets now. But ive still got a few more questions...

I can't get on Ians Vivarium on my phone for some reason, I know some of my answers would be on there. 

What is a diffused?

Is a bloodred just a diffused that has been bred to be darker?

What is a fire?

How do you know what hets a snake will have if you cant see? If someone sells a hatchie 'amel het stripe' how do they know it will produce stripes?

What happens if you mate a non stripe and a stripe? Are you guaranteed stripes or not? Do you need 2 stripes to guarantee stripes?

Thanks alot,

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gaz_1989 Posted - 29/09/2010 : 22:14:07
Thanks GMac.

It is slowly becoming clearer.
gmac Posted - 29/09/2010 : 21:14:00
Originally posted by Gaz_1989

Hi Folks,

What is a diffuse, a morph that diffuses the lower side pattern and removing the checkers

Is a bloodred just a diffused that has been bred to be darker?
yes bloodreds are selectivly bred diffused morphs

What is a fire? Diffused and amel double trait

How do you know what hets a snake will have if you cant see? If someone sells a hatchie 'amel het stripe' how do they know it will produce stripes? you would have to know both parents morphs to say for definate what hets there are. one of the parents would have to be stripe to definately produce het stripe

What happens if you mate a non stripe and a stripe? Are you guaranteed stripes or not? Do you need 2 stripes to guarantee stripes? you need both breeding snakes to have the same gene so if only one snake is homo or het stripe you will get normal pattern

Thanks alot,


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