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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 27/09/2010 : 09:11:30
After failing to find a het for pied royal female for my male at donny, I felt sorry for this hatchling corn, never seen it before but it's a nice colour and felt I would give it a home, pics to follow. 66% possible genetic stripe apparently.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 03/11/2010 : 14:15:38
Aww,thats so sad. Hope it settles in well for you and you get it feeding well.
I saw my first pied royal last week when I collected Falcor. God,they are beautiful,pictures really don't do them justice!
Hope you find the royal you want in the future
Red123 Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:57:33
Quite agree with you, Oh How Original. Just taken in an agressive corn because their partner didn't like it. Its not like a snake is running round the house with you and your dodging snapping teeth , they're kept in a safe place away from people so why the problem.
Oh How Original Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:32:46
I hate people who sell them because they won't feed or are vicious.
You buy a snake to take care of it, not to pass it off at the first chance.
If people can't handle the bad points about them, they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the good ones.
By the way I'm not having a go at you Python23
FiestaSTLou Posted - 29/10/2010 : 13:53:27
ouch! :( in a polite term the guy sounds like a ass!
SexyBear77 Posted - 29/10/2010 : 13:03:23
Originally posted by lessthanjase

whats the save a cornsnake table?

Non-feeding corns sold dirt cheap.

Eg: I can't be bothered to spend the time getting these snakes feeding well before I sell them- so just buy them off me for next to nothing.

(Just what I heard from a breeder that was there)
n/a Posted - 29/10/2010 : 11:31:48
whats the save a cornsnake table?
SexyBear77 Posted - 29/10/2010 : 10:19:40
Originally posted by gingerpony

it wasn't on the 'save a cornsnake' table was it?

I heard about the "save a cornsnake" table....
n/a Posted - 27/09/2010 : 12:09:35
Not sure, it was reduced by the breeder because it's been a fussy eater, nice little snake.should have got a male aswel really so I could bread them only or an amel and a normal at home.
gingerpony Posted - 27/09/2010 : 11:00:51
it wasn't on the 'save a cornsnake' table was it?
FiestaSTLou Posted - 27/09/2010 : 10:41:43
ooo im jealous! i want a butter motley, saw some gorgeous ones yday.

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