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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Doogle Posted - 25/08/2010 : 12:42:17
Anery het Opal sunkissed

Anery Stripe het amel lavender

Ghost upperkeys ph cinder hypo

Cube/stripe het loads

Amel motley het bloodred stripe

Amel het bloodred stripe ph lavender anery

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 19/11/2010 : 12:53:22
i have a Amel het Lava Anery ph Bloodred

But can someone explain please what it all means

het means that when it breeds to a certain(tell me who, please:)) snake then it gets lava morph?
Invalid User Posted - 19/11/2010 : 09:05:16
Gorgeous looking snakes. Can't pic a fave, they are all fab!
Oh How Original Posted - 04/11/2010 : 21:34:19
Wow, some complicated names for a Newb such as myself.
Need to learn lol.
Lovely looking snakes, I am especially taken by the "Amel het bloodred stripe ph lavender anery"
Even though I have no clue what all that means?
Doogle Posted - 16/10/2010 : 20:01:47
Originally posted by Mort13

Oh so many lovely snakes.....but WOW,that Ghost Motley het Lavender!!! I've just fallen in love,absolutely gorgeous!

She is lovely! One of a group of three!
Doogle Posted - 16/10/2010 : 20:01:01
Originally posted by DannyBrown91

I can see me buying snakes from you in the future...

Yeah mate your always welcome! Will have some interesting stuff coming out next year too! Always something forsale on the website tho!
Mort13 Posted - 13/10/2010 : 21:03:38
Oh so many lovely snakes.....but WOW,that Ghost Motley het Lavender!!! I've just fallen in love,absolutely gorgeous!
DannyBrown91 Posted - 13/10/2010 : 18:29:34
I can see me buying snakes from you in the future...
Doogle Posted - 13/10/2010 : 18:20:42
Originally posted by sarahw

i love the look of the ghost motley, really pretty

Hi Sarah, They are pretty and i got 3! Hoping for Ghost Lavender Motleys in a few years!
Doogle Posted - 13/10/2010 : 18:18:37
Originally posted by DannyBrown91

Not looked in on this thread for a while. I've clearly been missin out, really like the platinum and that Bloodred Ghost, not to mention the charcoal motley, she is absolutely stunning.

Hi Danny, Yeah added a few! LOL. They are stunning mate you have good taste!
sarahw Posted - 13/10/2010 : 17:25:22
i love the look of the ghost motley, really pretty
DannyBrown91 Posted - 13/10/2010 : 17:11:42
Not looked in on this thread for a while. I've clearly been missin out, really like the platinum and that Bloodred Ghost, not to mention the charcoal motley, she is absolutely stunning.
Doogle Posted - 13/10/2010 : 17:04:09
Charcoal Motley het Amel

Granite het Motley ph Dilute

Sunkissed het Amel ph Anery

Granite ph Amel

Opal Motley het Hypo Stripe

Doogle Posted - 13/10/2010 : 17:01:14
Originally posted by Gaz_1989

I want that butter motley!

I know for an adult pair just as stunning!
Gaz_1989 Posted - 08/10/2010 : 14:38:08
I want that butter motley!
Doogle Posted - 07/10/2010 : 18:24:18
Few more updated ones!

Granite het Hypo Stripe

Ghost Bloodred het Charcoal Amel

Platinum het Amel

Bloodred ph Hypo Cinder

Amel Het Bloodred Stripe ph Hypo Lavender Anery

Doogle Posted - 26/09/2010 : 20:28:27
I also noticed a mistake! Sorry! This one is

Amel het Lava Anery ph Bloodred!


Amel het Sunkissed ph Anery

Doogle Posted - 26/09/2010 : 20:25:39
Originally posted by mikeyd_24

that ghost motley is stunning :]

Thanks Mike, I got a trio and they are little stunners!
mikeyd_26 Posted - 22/09/2010 : 12:25:34
that ghost motley is stunning :]
Doogle Posted - 22/09/2010 : 08:34:16
A few more!

Amel het Sunkissed ph Anery

Hypo Plasma

Anery het Bloodred Lava

Lavender het Anery Hypo ph Bloodred Charcoal

Ghost Motley het Lavender

Doogle Posted - 17/09/2010 : 08:01:10
Sunkissed ph Caramel Bloodred

Amel Stripe het Hypo Lavender

Some of these are also for sale on my website!

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