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 false widow?

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rubi Posted - 24/10/2013 : 18:05:09
I know someone else has posted on here recently, and there are some very in-the-know people. Just found several of these on outside of kitchen window and bedroom window???
excuss poor quality



6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Razee Posted - 25/10/2013 : 09:14:46
For the peace of mind - just think about it like this: Australia is FULL of very deadly spiders, much worse than false widow. None of my friends that live there, or their friends, and their kids, have ever been bitten. False widows have already lived here for decades, and how many people are bitten every year? It's just the newspapers, hyping things up again ...anyone could have a reaction to any bite - like the man, that died because of a reaction to a horse fly bite. More people are likely to die of a bee or wasp stings, than false widow.

I bet there aren't any more false widows, than there have been couple of years ago - it's just because it's been in newspapers, everyone starts looking at spiders ( myself included :-) , I had one like that in the car, right in front of my face, when driving, and I'm scared of spiders ) . Bet most of them are harmless species, looking very similar. Your little one will be ok :-)
Vince_the_snake Posted - 25/10/2013 : 07:10:42
How big are they, because false widows are quite small, while garden spiders are bigger?
rubi Posted - 25/10/2013 : 02:25:43
Yeah I read a lot about them once saw them, only get bad reaction if allergic etc was quiter surprised actually to find out had been in England over 100 years. There loads of them lol land lord came over he getting someone to come have look tomorow. I am more concerned for the 3 year old than anything else tbh.
Moppet Posted - 25/10/2013 : 00:05:37
*shrugs* could be? Hard to tell from the photos. It could also just be a house spider or a garden spider.

Even if it is a false widow, I wouldn't be too worried. They aren't aggressive and their bites aren't usually as bad as they are made out to be. It is the extreme reactions to the bites which are publicised so much and causing all this worry, the bites themselves tend not to be that bad. Although I'm definitely not suggesting you go and annoy it to find out

Here's an interesting article about it which is much less scare mongering:
rubi Posted - 24/10/2013 : 18:08:49
HAHAHA lol yeah it does actually...still for someone who agtes spiders i am not happy!
SilverWings Posted - 24/10/2013 : 18:07:58
Looks like a cybermans face on it's back. Cyberspider?

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