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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razee Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:34:35
Ok - this is Socks, my little Arabian, who I posted about before, when he had the operation in May - to remove a massive tumor from his chest. He seems to be doing ok so far ( fingers crossed ), and on Friday, for the very first time in his life, he got to wear a saddle!
He was good as gold, and didn't bat an eyelid, even when I tightened the girth! He seems to think it's just a strange type of rug....

sorry for the quality, it was getting dark, but I wanted to have a memory...

His chest looks pretty good, considering:

And you really wouldn't notice, until you look close up. Waiting for his dinner:

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mjpeters Posted - 17/10/2013 : 23:31:33
Bloody well done you!!! so happy you were able to pull through so marvelously (both of you!) never easy nursing a seriously injured beastie back to health-glad to hear that you both have come through it and retained your 'marbles'-I remember the worry you had for a bored confined young chap-he's looking simply splendid
Mort13 Posted - 17/10/2013 : 00:05:25
Wow, he's looking so good now. Love Arabian horses, those beautiful faces
ozziesmum Posted - 16/10/2013 : 20:05:56
Socks looks brilliant Razee I'm so pleased everything has turned out so well for you and now you have many happy years ahead of you both x
Razee Posted - 16/10/2013 : 15:28:57
Oh, I see. I must admit, I'd find it difficult to part with mine, if I was going back home...I often wonder what I'd do.

I have a straight bar plastic ( or rubber ) bit ready, and it's got clips on it, so will be able to unclip it, join it on his head collar on one side, cover it in something nice ( got molasses, but he can't decide whether he likes them, or not :-) ), and gradually start clipping it on the other side. I have been preparing him, by putting some molasses on a wooden spoon - he wouldn't get anywhere near, if it meant licking the handle - so I started putting it on the wide bit, then gradually on the handle, letting him take it into his mouth.
Funnily enough, he's happy to let me put his lead rope through his mouth - but just nothing hard.

Lupi lou, I might look into that, it could well work - though I think once he learns to wear the bit, he'll be ok with careful, gentle pressure, it's having his mouth touched/ opened, that is a problem atm.

I don't know why he's so funny about his mouth, he's ok licking my hands, as long as I don't actively try to touch his mouth. He was quite head shy when I got him, and his poll and ears where a definite no - go area. He's very good with those now, even enjoying an ear massage :-) My vet thinks he must have been hit on the head, but the people I bought him from ( they were at the sale ) seemed very nice... so maybe it's just him.
Emmzi Posted - 15/10/2013 : 12:38:31
awwh, he is gorgeous :)
TallyDB Posted - 14/10/2013 : 20:16:59
Originally posted by Razee

TallyDB, blimey, that's a long way to bring a horse over! How did you come by her?

Well I used to live there and bought 3 horses whilst over there...and couldn't leave them behind so they came too :P

Bitting wise...try a plastic straight bar covered in honey or apple juice or something and just literally pop it in long enough for him to lick it off..even if it's just a couple of seconds and then take it straight off. Make sure it's fun for him :) Is there a reason he's so funny with his mouth?
lupi lou Posted - 14/10/2013 : 15:18:05
It's a shame that people are so focused on what tack a horse wears. The other option could be combination nose band, so you can gradually increase his confidence with the bit but without putting pressure on him. My friend does that with one of her son's JA ponies, because of his age he isn't allowed to use a hackamore but the mare hates the bit, this way he's in line with the rules bjt doesn't have to put any pressure on her mouth
Razee Posted - 14/10/2013 : 14:25:38
Thanks, guys :-)

Lupi lou, I was thinking about riding him in bitless bridle, he's very sensitive, and never fights the headcolar. But then, if my circumstances ever changed, and I needed to sell him, it'd be better if he's used to wearing a bit.

I must admit, I'm keeping an eagle eye on the op site, I'm paranoid it could come back - but the vet thinks he'd got it all out ok, because he's taken all the surrounding muscle with it.

TallyDB, blimey, that's a long way to bring a horse over! How did you come by her?
TallyDB Posted - 14/10/2013 : 11:43:30
Originally posted by Razee

Thanks, he's just turned 3 at the end of May. I was told not to do anything with him till the end of September, to allow his chest to heal fully ( they had to take pretty much whole muscle out ). He still gets a patchy sweating occasionally under the scar, but isn't lame at all.

There was a lovely little Arab x cob filly in the same sale as him, but I ended up getting him ( long story :-) ) At least yours is more hardy when it comes to British weather :-)

Ah at least he's still nice and young then :D
Really pleased that he's healed so well! Though youngsters always do tend to heal better.
She is very hardy actually, she came over from the mountains of North Tuscany so a little snow doesn't hurt her :P
smart bunny Posted - 13/10/2013 : 17:12:29
Awww well done Socks! So glad to hear he is doing well Razee :D
scottishbluebird Posted - 13/10/2013 : 16:57:14
Awwwww Brilliant, his chest has healed amzingly!!
lupi lou Posted - 13/10/2013 : 16:40:00
His chest looks fab, you must be very pleased with how it has healed. Such a cleaver boy wearing his saddle for the first time. Just a thought regarding a bit, there is always the option of going bitless.
Razee Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:57:54
Thanks, Blackcat, I meant to post an update for ages, just never really got to it. He'd already worn a surcingle before, in the stable only, and not too tight. I just bought him a new rug, and was trying it on, and thought - why not? He was in a nice mood, already having things tried on, so I just did it, because it felt right. :-)

I'm afraid bridle ( especially bit ) will probably be a different story, though. His mouth is the last " no go place " - after having successfully conquered the fear of having his head and ears touched - the mouth is still a huge no - no ;-)
Razee Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:52:34
Thanks, he's just turned 3 at the end of May. I was told not to do anything with him till the end of September, to allow his chest to heal fully ( they had to take pretty much whole muscle out ). He still gets a patchy sweating occasionally under the scar, but isn't lame at all.

There was a lovely little Arab x cob filly in the same sale as him, but I ended up getting him ( long story :-) ) At least yours is more hardy when it comes to British weather :-)
Blackcat Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:47:04
OMG - How bizarre is this, I was only wondering this morning how Socks was doing after his op and you post an update
Congratulations on the saddle session, so pleased he took it well - always traumatic for us the first time a saddle is put on.
His shoulder is looking good.
TallyDB Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:43:12
What a gorgeous lad :D
Really glad the op went well. How old is he?

I've got an arabian X ...but she seems to have lost all of her daintyness...

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