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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SilverWings Posted - 10/10/2013 : 18:29:54
Here are a few shots of Aleron, still quarantined but being eased in to handling now. Very feisty, he hasn't tried to strike yet but has threatened to a few times. Still so gorgeous ^_^

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 17/10/2013 : 00:06:26
He's gorgeous, love the name too
Criminal Nails Posted - 16/10/2013 : 19:53:58
Gorgeous snake, really! ^^ It's a Taiwanese beauty?
SilverWings Posted - 12/10/2013 : 21:37:25
I've got a 3x4x1 for him to move in to when he's out of quarantine, lots of climby things for him since they're semi arboreal. Not sure it'll last him forever, but it'll be great for him for a while...
smart bunny Posted - 12/10/2013 : 12:21:49
What is the final viv size for these again? It has to be at least 6ft doesn't it, or am I getting that wrong? (Sorely tempted by the one I saw in a local shop recently!)

*wanders off to have a google....*
Snakeysal Posted - 11/10/2013 : 22:39:47
He is very handsome - congratulations!
scottishbluebird Posted - 11/10/2013 : 17:34:52
wow gorgeous
lupi lou Posted - 11/10/2013 : 17:03:06
SilverWings Posted - 10/10/2013 : 23:23:54
Hahaha, sounds like Popups PMSing lol. Give her a chocolate mouse ^_^ I was a bit disappointed by the lack of records when I got him, I keep track of all mine on a big calender. Fed him on a large mouse tonight and it went down a treat once he'd realized I was offering food, not just poking strange things at him XD
mjpeters Posted - 10/10/2013 : 23:07:37
that is one lovely snakey you got there-stunner!
The whole 'blue'thing I must admit is a wee bit confusing at times;some of my guys don't seem to miss a beat-or get cloudy eyes,then TA DA! here's a freshly shed skin for you!
Then there's Popup:under normal circumstances she is utter-bitch-queen-snake-from-hell add being blue into the equation and now she's on steroids with a little pcp thrown in for good measure
I guess thats why keeping records is important,it really shows the pattern of feeding/shedding.
Hopefully Aleron will be a 'TA DA!'style shedder not the whole 'snake from hell on 'roids' thing for you!
SilverWings Posted - 10/10/2013 : 21:34:19
Thanks ^_^ I'm a little confused about him to be honest, I was told when I bought him he was in shed, and he did indeed look a little blue, but over a week later there's no sign of a shed and he's out and active, not at all like my others when they're blue. Guess it's a waiting game lol
smart bunny Posted - 10/10/2013 : 21:12:48
Ooooh gorgeous!
Razee Posted - 10/10/2013 : 20:27:04
Beauty :-)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 10/10/2013 : 20:25:54
Very pretty :D
Lee Posted - 10/10/2013 : 19:28:07
lovely, really nice.
Boomslang Posted - 10/10/2013 : 19:13:30
Very nice
Moppet Posted - 10/10/2013 : 18:36:03
He's gorgeous

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