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 I did a bad thing...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SilverWings Posted - 02/10/2013 : 14:45:19
Went for a mooch to Endsleigh garden centre...came away with this...

I got it probed there, he's a male, about a year old and rather feisty. Had a go at the guy bringing him out, but he settled down very quickly while I was holding him. I'd imagine he was rather peeved, he's blue at the moment, and we'd just watched him get directly sprayed with a hand held pressure sprayer in his tank. I was a bit disappointed they didn't have any kind of records for him, all the guy could tell me was 'he's fed on fridays' but I would have liked some written record :/

I've quarantined him in a rub downstairs for now, and he's not too smart. He's got loads of nice hides in there, but after 10 minutes I saw this...

He'd squished himself between the side of the rub and the plastic box I out in with him lol
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Okeetee Mick Posted - 04/10/2013 : 16:25:00
No, you did a good thing
lupi lou Posted - 03/10/2013 : 17:41:15
beautiful new addition
SilverWings Posted - 03/10/2013 : 12:22:35
He was £87, quite a lot considering I've seen breeders selling them for £50, but most of them are well out of my reach. Plus it's quite a step down from the £120 my local pet shop wants for theirs lol.

I'm thinking of calling him Aleron, sure he'll end up with a nickname though. Diego is more commonly called Bloodledood...
Moppet Posted - 03/10/2013 : 00:42:33
He's gorgeous! Have you got a name for him yet?
Thorne Walker Posted - 02/10/2013 : 23:34:01
Lol.. it is said that snakes like tight hides, esp being in blue.

I see Tai Beauties around here for around 150-200$CAD, what did he run you (if you don't mind me asking? I really have my heart set on a Blue Beauty but there is only one local breeder and his list is 2x years long...

I think I'm going to go hunting for a list of 'longest' colubrids and see what's what... he's longer then Monster was at that age.

Mort13 Posted - 02/10/2013 : 20:36:47
Ooh nice pick up! Stunning even if he doesn't know how to use his hides
Razee Posted - 02/10/2013 : 19:54:13
I think it probably depends on who works there at the has been good, and it has also been pretty bad, too. So, on the whole, I reckon SW still did the snake a favour :-)

Re Fermoys - they have improved a lot from what it used to be, they have quite a selection now...( though be prepared you'll probably STILL get told you don't need a thermostat ). We go there often for other things, so I always pop in and have a look... last I saw, they had lots of MBK babies :-)

smart bunny Posted - 02/10/2013 : 19:42:33
Oooh I don't know the place, I didn't mean it was a nasty shop just, you know, trying to make Silverwings feel better about having a snakey all pampered at home rather than in ANY shop lol!!!
SilverWings Posted - 02/10/2013 : 18:30:57
Hmm, maybe I just saw them on an off day? There seemed to be more than enough staff (plus several work experience students lol, one walking round with a baby corn snake she called 'Mr muffin') but nobody seemed to be doing much. I do want to go check out Fermoys at some point, one of my colleagues tells me they have a fantastic reptile section, but I think I'll be leaving my wallet at home XD
Razee Posted - 02/10/2013 : 17:39:46
Agree with Smart bunny, you did a good thing!
It's funny, I go to that shop every now and then , and the standards are very up and down. They used to be pretty good with all the animal care, then it really went downhill, then got better again... I haven't been there for a while now, as last time I went, the reptile section was pretty dirty.
Looks like you've got a lovely snake though, congrats
scottishbluebird Posted - 02/10/2013 : 16:31:58
He is gorgeous, i never understand places like that, its not that hard to look after any kind of pet, sellers should want the animals to be healthy and have basic care
SilverWings Posted - 02/10/2013 : 16:12:20
He is very long, easily as long as Diego I think, but very skinny and lightening fast. He's very curious too, which is nice. Not sure I'll be going back there (at least to the pet section), I wasn't impressed with the standard of care. The fish tanks were filthy, the rabbits were all mislabeled and loads of the birds were in desperate need of having their beaks clipped. The rest of the store was fantastic though, sooo much stuff to look at. Quite a nice day out :)
smart bunny Posted - 02/10/2013 : 15:54:23
Naaaaw you did a GOOD thing, saving him from that nasty shop :P He is gorgeous - he looks big for a year compared to the corns lol! Congrats - funnily enough we saw one of these today at a shop we didn't even know existed, and it's only 1/2hr away from us... yay we have a new shop to haunt now lol!

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