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 First handling of the bonsai dragons :D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Moppet Posted - 30/09/2013 : 19:38:50
So they've settled in for a week and I had a quick handle whilst weighing them. They're pooping fine so I guess they must be eating although it's not possible to tell.

Jaffa (weighs a whopping 3.0g and is VERY hard to photograph!)

and Echo (weighs 2.5g and is a tiny bit easier to photograph...)

Soooo happy with the gorgeous bonsai dragons Although I think Echo has mistaken Jaffa's tail tip for a cricket and chomped on it It looks okay, just a little scab and a bit squashed looking but I'm keeping an eye on it.

Ordering some teeny tiny crickets for them to have a go at soon as I know they ate them whilst with the breeder. Looking forward to watching their hunting skills (if they'll be good little geckos and show me that is...)
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Moppet Posted - 02/10/2013 : 23:21:18

Blackcat - this breeder sells their babies at 8 weeks old if they are eating and pooping etc well. My two were 8 weeks old almost exactly when I got them. Very tiny.

Hissyfit - go for it! You'll have a few months before you need to get another exo if one of them turns out to be male Always room for another!

Mort13 Posted - 02/10/2013 : 20:38:50
Aww, how cute are they!
Blackcat Posted - 02/10/2013 : 15:46:45
OMG I can't belive how small they are.
Most of the breeders I have had contact with wont sell their babies until they are a minimum of 4g
smart bunny Posted - 02/10/2013 : 14:06:32
Awwww so adorable!
Hissyfit Posted - 02/10/2013 : 10:26:53
Aww, how teeny and cute. My local PAH has 2 tiny babies in at the moment, and having an empty exo sitting there is just so tempting....if only I could be sure they were both girls
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 01/10/2013 : 18:52:58
They are soooo tiny! I Dont even know how much my little one weighs aha.
Moppet Posted - 01/10/2013 : 12:51:10
Thanks They've got lots of growing to do.
Emmzi Posted - 01/10/2013 : 08:42:24
Awwh they are so adorable!
mjpeters Posted - 30/09/2013 : 23:49:33
lovely-just sooo adorable
Razee Posted - 30/09/2013 : 21:49:39
They are just so incredibly cute...and teeny!
scottishbluebird Posted - 30/09/2013 : 21:12:26
omg 2.5g they are sooooo adorable!!!!
Moppet Posted - 30/09/2013 : 19:48:54
Thanks Donnie I could swear they've grown in the week since I've had them but I think perhaps I'm just getting used to their size???
Donnie Posted - 30/09/2013 : 19:43:42
So tiny, very nice little geckos

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