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T O P I C    R E V I E W
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/09/2013 : 02:15:09

What do you think of those babies?
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/09/2013 : 01:11:21
As much as i hate to agree with you, i am soooo dissapointed in her
a33272 Posted - 26/09/2013 : 00:12:15
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by mjpeters

Now look folks,I'm sure that most if not all of you have had erm,'Encounters'that are best forgotten?
Surely there's a fair few people on the planet that are only here because of such encounters? Well Dear Nigel is just like any normal male he has 'urges'and well I guess he was deeply disappointed when Lady Leucistic turned out to be an utterly unmanageable bitch queen,and like any healthy normal male expressed those urges with possibly not the wisest choice of mates....?

OMG surely you are not agreeing with Chris on these adorable Nigenoses??????????????

she so was
mjpeters Posted - 25/09/2013 : 20:05:59
Panic Not SBB-I could never stop so low to agree with a confirmed Hoggie basher and Nigel hater-the very thought
Just suggesting that dear Nige may have been overcome by his manly intentions and suffered a fleeting moment of obscured vision. I know shocking to think that a snakey so Magnificently blessed in the eye area should suffer so BUT-Love (well LUST) is blind?
scottishbluebird Posted - 25/09/2013 : 13:43:20
Originally posted by mjpeters

Now look folks,I'm sure that most if not all of you have had erm,'Encounters'that are best forgotten?
Surely there's a fair few people on the planet that are only here because of such encounters? Well Dear Nigel is just like any normal male he has 'urges'and well I guess he was deeply disappointed when Lady Leucistic turned out to be an utterly unmanageable bitch queen,and like any healthy normal male expressed those urges with possibly not the wisest choice of mates....?

OMG surely you are not agreeing with Chris on these adorable Nigenoses??????????????
mjpeters Posted - 24/09/2013 : 23:24:45
Now look folks,I'm sure that most if not all of you have had erm,'Encounters'that are best forgotten?
Surely there's a fair few people on the planet that are only here because of such encounters? Well Dear Nigel is just like any normal male he has 'urges'and well I guess he was deeply disappointed when Lady Leucistic turned out to be an utterly unmanageable bitch queen,and like any healthy normal male expressed those urges with possibly not the wisest choice of mates....?
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/09/2013 : 18:31:46
Originally posted by a33272

its a hoggie thats been squished hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha. who'd thought they could get uglier

Moppet Posted - 24/09/2013 : 17:59:52
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by Moppet

I actually saw a hognose baby a little like that When I went to pick up my olive housies the breeder had a deformed hoggy with massive googly eyes. He said he couldn't sell it in case people bred from it but was trying to give it away to a non-breeding home. I hope he found one.

Id have fallen in love and taken it

Nooo, I felt sorry for it but it was just too weird looking. I do hope it found a home though.
coxymk2 Posted - 24/09/2013 : 17:56:50
And I thought the Moderators were here to stop cruel and vicious comments but one of the nasties has managed to slip through the net hahahaha
a33272 Posted - 24/09/2013 : 13:45:44
its a hoggie thats been squished hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha. who'd thought they could get uglier
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/09/2013 : 01:12:10
Those poor little Nigenoses
mjpeters Posted - 24/09/2013 : 00:35:27
Wow a whole new species-Quick copy it to Ians Viv and morphs section,and and......WOW-can you get it in Tessera yet?
Hang on a cotton pickin' minute-I don't remember giving Nigel permission for any ROMANTIC encounters !
Poor bloke-seduced by a wanton Hoggie Hussy-just don't expect any 'mousey maintenance'out of us for her ill-begotten brood
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/09/2013 : 21:49:11
Originally posted by Razee

LMAO, I'm amazed Chris hasn't found this yet... :-)

sssssssssssh dont tell him
and never mind Chris, where the heck is Meg lol
Razee Posted - 23/09/2013 : 21:31:27
LMAO, I'm amazed Chris hasn't found this yet... :-)
lupi lou Posted - 23/09/2013 : 12:20:19
PMSL that's funny SBB! Moppet I hope the little guy you saw found a home
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/09/2013 : 10:56:41
Originally posted by Moppet

I actually saw a hognose baby a little like that When I went to pick up my olive housies the breeder had a deformed hoggy with massive googly eyes. He said he couldn't sell it in case people bred from it but was trying to give it away to a non-breeding home. I hope he found one.

Id have fallen in love and taken it
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 23/09/2013 : 10:48:52
Only Nigel can pull off that sexy look :P
coxymk2 Posted - 23/09/2013 : 08:26:07
Brilliant ha ha
Moppet Posted - 23/09/2013 : 07:31:13
I actually saw a hognose baby a little like that When I went to pick up my olive housies the breeder had a deformed hoggy with massive googly eyes. He said he couldn't sell it in case people bred from it but was trying to give it away to a non-breeding home. I hope he found one.
smart bunny Posted - 23/09/2013 : 07:22:49
OMG SBB how COULD you?

You're just giving ammo to Chris you know... :P

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