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 Picking up TWO crested geckos from Donny

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Moppet Posted - 11/09/2013 : 20:05:25

Okay, I couldn't resist a second one. But that will be it. Just two crested geckos, no other surprise additions.

Here they are

Halloween pinstripe


Now just the looooong wait until I can collect them
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Razee Posted - 22/09/2013 : 08:59:23
Have a nice time today, wish I could be going, too...and don't forget to take some photos, when you installing the cresties in their new home :-)

Moppet Posted - 21/09/2013 : 22:25:25
Thanks SBB.

Maybe see you there Hayley Sounds posh
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 21/09/2013 : 21:49:24
Eep I may see you at donny. If your crestie goes missing it wasnt me *shifty eyes* hehe. Im in the Earl hotel just now! Holy poop its fancy! Aha.
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/09/2013 : 17:16:01
Looks great, they will love it!!
Moppet Posted - 21/09/2013 : 14:08:04
Set up now has a vine, two digital thermometers, a ceramic heater (overhead) and a thermostat probe (of course). Been experimenting with spraying for humidity (with RO water to avoid water marks on the glass) and now happy with the humidity and heat gradient. Ready

Think they'll like it?
smart bunny Posted - 21/09/2013 : 10:22:49
Woohoo :D
Moppet Posted - 21/09/2013 : 10:12:15
PICKING THEM UP TOMORROW!!!! *ahem* may be a tiny bit excited...
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 13/09/2013 : 18:40:18
OH would never alolow sadlt. But im already thinking of breeding :o
Moppet Posted - 13/09/2013 : 16:52:38
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

Resisting the urge for a second crestie myself!

Dooo iiiiiit

Thanks lou
lupi lou Posted - 13/09/2013 : 10:48:22
They are very nice! Congrats
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 13/09/2013 : 09:36:31
Resisting the urge for a second crestie myself!
Hissyfit Posted - 12/09/2013 : 14:40:27
Wow they are both gorgeous! The Halloween pinstripe is stunning
Moppet Posted - 12/09/2013 : 12:38:33
Thanks, so excited!
Freddiesmum Posted - 12/09/2013 : 09:47:49
Coal Posted - 12/09/2013 : 09:16:12
Their absolutely stunning, especially that first one :)
Moppet Posted - 12/09/2013 : 06:34:01
Thanks SBB
scottishbluebird Posted - 12/09/2013 : 00:29:12
both gorgeous, but the first whoa, stunning!!
scottishbluebird Posted - 12/09/2013 : 00:28:25
both gorgeous, but the first whoa, stunning!!
Moppet Posted - 11/09/2013 : 22:47:51
Yeah mjpeters, *must get crestie must get crestie* brainwashed by all the photos, that was how it started with me too.
The Halloween Pin will probably look even burny hotter when it's older . It will probably get pale creamy white bits on the pinstripes

Thanks smartbunny
mjpeters Posted - 11/09/2013 : 22:02:12
*Mmmmussst gget crestieeeeeeee*
Lve the Halloween Pinstripe-looks burny hot

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