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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mjpeters Posted - 10/09/2013 : 20:10:15
Well just as I was moaning on about having to wait until the end of the month for my birthday snakey,then my lovely family present me with these absolute gems-

Thats the male, 07/09/10

and thats the female deep in blue,unrelated and 09/09/10 (my Birthday!)
They are European Leopard Snakes: Zamenis Situla Longisimuss.
I have lusted after some of these for soooo long-Never thought that I would ever find one let alone be given a pair.Obviously they are captive bred with all the right paperwork,as they are endangered in most of europe.Rarely seen for sale and supposedly little beggars to get going-they need a LOOONG Brumination at C-O-L-D-this pair would be put down to 6-8c for at least 3 months!! I find that a little scary.
These guys are the reason I got interested in corn snakes-to my eyes they look a lot like some morphs-Heres one I bought earlier

Sooo I had a Very Happy Birthday-even managed to persuade the camera to work(ish).
Hope you like them-sorry to bable on but Wow-I'm so lucky to have these
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Callazagy Posted - 13/09/2013 : 20:50:13
Wow, very nice :)
lupi lou Posted - 13/09/2013 : 11:01:47
Happy Birthday!
What an amazing and very stunning present. They are beautiful
mjpeters Posted - 11/09/2013 : 22:14:47
Thanks guys glad you liked them-Its incredible to me that such beautiful reptiles exist in europe!
I feel quite drawn to native and European species-I find the Wall Lizards that live wild in Ventnor(south wight) fascinating to watch,and I always worry about how many have made it through the winter.
Not just the cold- a hibernating Lizzie is an easy nutritious snack for a rat
Razee Posted - 11/09/2013 : 10:36:28
Happy birthday :-), and what a fantastic present, and what a lovely family. Bet they must have taken some searching for ( the snakes, that is :-) ) Congrats on the new additions!
Figs Posted - 11/09/2013 : 10:29:05
Good grief!
Aren't they just magical!! Love the face markings
coxymk2 Posted - 11/09/2013 : 07:16:06
Absolutely gorgeous. You could send them up here for the brumination period its always cold here at that time and I could send them back for their summer holidays possibly lol
Moppet Posted - 10/09/2013 : 23:46:41
What a birthday gift!!! They're amazing!

Happy birthday
mjpeters Posted - 10/09/2013 : 23:24:49
Aww thanks guys and a cakey from SBB!- its just so good to have all you splendid snakey folks out there to share with
Like I said I'm bowled over by these snakeys-will definitely join the Rat Snake Foundation,hopefully in a few years time may be able to do my bit for conservation of this species-breed them myself
scottishbluebird Posted - 10/09/2013 : 22:25:37
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and wow congrats!!!!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 10/09/2013 : 22:04:31
Aw my wow! You are one lucky girl MJ, so jealous :3
smart bunny Posted - 10/09/2013 : 21:22:57
Wow, you lucky thing they are stunning - Happy Birthday!!
Lee Posted - 10/09/2013 : 20:48:27
they are amazing and what an honour to own such rare and beautiful snakes, your family really love you!

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