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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Freddiesmum Posted - 03/09/2013 : 18:30:13
So here is the little leopard gecko I'll be getting 21 Sept:

Sooo excited!
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Freddiesmum Posted - 05/09/2013 : 21:12:20
Hehe thanks! That's the set up been delivered, just waiting on hides now!
Hissyfit Posted - 05/09/2013 : 20:20:33
He's gorgeous, and what a fantastic name for him
Freddiesmum Posted - 04/09/2013 : 23:14:39
Isn't he lovely! I knew when I seen him he'd be the one I went for! The set up is due between tomorrow and Monday, so at least that will keep me busy in the few days before he comes. The closer it gets the slower time seems to go haha!
lupi lou Posted - 04/09/2013 : 21:06:37
Oh so cute love him!! Beautiful color and pattern, I was so excited when I saw the title *jumps up and down in seat
Freddiesmum Posted - 04/09/2013 : 20:23:14
Haha! Aw I know. 7 years Dexter has been in my life! Lol. Will need to find something to replace it!
scottishbluebird Posted - 04/09/2013 : 17:51:27
Originally posted by Freddiesmum

Awww the daughter part was hilarious!! I think Masuka's great, so funny (in his own creepy way sometimes lol) Only 3 episodes to go.....i don't know what i'll do with myself!!

And very very creepy he is too. I am gutted too, sucks its the last ever series
Freddiesmum Posted - 04/09/2013 : 15:59:39
Awww the daughter part was hilarious!! I think Masuka's great, so funny (in his own creepy way sometimes lol) Only 3 episodes to go.....i don't know what i'll do with myself!!
scottishbluebird Posted - 04/09/2013 : 15:45:06
Originally posted by Freddiesmum

Lol, I looooove Dexter (tv series which is ending soon - very upset at this!), Masuka is a character from that, he has the funniest laugh and grin, and it makes me think of leopard geckos when they do their smiley faces haha!

next time i watch dexter, will be thinking of leos when he appears, i HATE his laugh though!, although when his daughter turned up and did the laugh, that was funny
Freddiesmum Posted - 04/09/2013 : 12:24:42
Lol, I looooove Dexter (tv series which is ending soon - very upset at this!), Masuka is a character from that, he has the funniest laugh and grin, and it makes me think of leopard geckos when they do their smiley faces haha!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 04/09/2013 : 10:11:03
Interesting name :)
Freddiesmum Posted - 04/09/2013 : 08:30:05
I just keep looking at pictures I have of him now! He's the 9 month old one I mentioned earlier. I thought about a younger one, and seen a few, but I just kept ending up back looking at him! Really taken with him.

He'll be called Masuka
Moppet Posted - 04/09/2013 : 00:55:51
Awww, he's lovely
scottishbluebird Posted - 03/09/2013 : 23:45:55
Nnnnawwwwwww he is adorable
mjpeters Posted - 03/09/2013 : 23:34:06
Just lovely they look like they're made of a kind of velvet to me
Freddiesmum Posted - 03/09/2013 : 22:18:14
He's very bright isn't he!

Luckily I'm pretty busy next couple of weeks visiting family in England, decorating some of the house, and friends up from England, otherwise I'd be driven insane waiting!

Countdown starts now!
smart bunny Posted - 03/09/2013 : 21:03:26
Wow, what a colour difference between body and tail! Hope the next few weeks don't drag by too slowly for you!
Lee Posted - 03/09/2013 : 19:49:52
Nice! I wouldn't mind another, maybe a couple of girls for Dave.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 03/09/2013 : 18:31:01
Wow, gorgeous bright yellow!

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