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 Fudge lost her head

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scottishbluebird Posted - 29/08/2013 : 14:14:46
Not been photoshopped!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 30/08/2013 : 15:43:21
Originally posted by Razee

On more serious note - I didn't realize cresties could drop their tail, because of loud sounds? I always thought it'd have to be something "physical", like holding them when they're not used to handling, and them panicking. Does that mean any fright could make them shed their tail, for example, if someone puts a light on, in the middle of the night?

Any kind of stress can make them drop tail, and unlike some, cresties tails wont grow back. But something as simple as a light going on shouldnt matter.
Hissyfit Posted - 30/08/2013 : 09:45:20
Ha ha, that's a great photo I hope she finds her head soon
Razee Posted - 30/08/2013 : 08:22:06
On more serious note - I didn't realize cresties could drop their tail, because of loud sounds? I always thought it'd have to be something "physical", like holding them when they're not used to handling, and them panicking. Does that mean any fright could make them shed their tail, for example, if someone puts a light on, in the middle of the night?
Moppet Posted - 30/08/2013 : 07:22:39
Thanks SBB. The best place for my new crestie over the winter is the same room as my dog during the day as the temperature is more stable but I might put it in a different room for a few weeks so it can get used to barking from a distance first.
Razee Posted - 29/08/2013 : 22:06:07
Brilliant pic, I can just imagine a spoof comedy- something like Scary movie - staring - a headless crestie!
scottishbluebird Posted - 29/08/2013 : 21:28:02
Originally posted by Moppet


Do you mind if I pick your brains a little about cresties? I've seen photos of Fudge with your dogs and she doesn't seem to mind them, is she bothered by barking or was she to begin with? I'm getting a crestie in Sept and I didn't want my dog barking (only at the postie or if people knock on the door usually) to stress him/her out or cause a tail drop

She is not bothered by the barking, but even after all this time, i still panic when they bark near her, the council were doing really noisy stuff to downstairs, soundend like they were going to come through the floor, again i was worried about her dropping her tail, i dont know if i am just really lucky with her or not
I also move her when i hoover in the room, as its so loud, but i really dont think she would care.
Maybe with whatever room she is in, shut the door, get the dogs to bark outside door so she can get used to the noise, that way might not be so scary when they do it next to him?
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 29/08/2013 : 17:27:48
The best lizard! doesnt need to eat :P
Moppet Posted - 29/08/2013 : 16:39:34

Do you mind if I pick your brains a little about cresties? I've seen photos of Fudge with your dogs and she doesn't seem to mind them, is she bothered by barking or was she to begin with? I'm getting a crestie in Sept and I didn't want my dog barking (only at the postie or if people knock on the door usually) to stress him/her out or cause a tail drop
mjpeters Posted - 29/08/2013 : 14:27:22
*gasps* The Legend of Sleepy Hollow-The Headless Crestie
Freddiesmum Posted - 29/08/2013 : 14:26:36

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