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 Crestie pics, please?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razee Posted - 21/08/2013 : 12:39:31
There seem to be so many members on here either in a process of getting a crestie, or already owning one...or two. I really like these miniature dragons, but, alas, as usual, not allowed one. So, I thought I'd start a crestie pics thread, just so I can at least look at them....and be properly jealous

So, if you are a crestie owner, could you please post some pics for me to admire?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Freddiesmum Posted - 26/08/2013 : 14:53:38
omg omg omg makes me so jealous!
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/08/2013 : 16:39:13
jbcresties(stolen milkcrate) on youtube is really brilliant, id really recommend subscribing, sometimes she just shows off her cresties, which are gorgeous, but no information, although when she had mice in her garage, was amusing when she tried getting rid of them!
I have emailed her a few times, and she has been a great help. Fudge has been weird last few weeks not waning her usual scratch, i went on the darkside, but no real help. i emailed JB and she told me the scratching at her age was like a male showing interest!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:58:21
when i thought i couldnt wait any more than i already have to this thread pops up! Want my crestie to b home already!
Moppet Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:41:57
Noumea Wow. Just. Wow.
Razee Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:10:35
Omg, and more! :-)
Razee Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:09:41
Ooooh, brilliant pics, thank you.
Ludo looks so cute, love the second pic :-)
Fudge has grown as well, love the Christmas pic, that was the tree topper, so cute.
Am certainly getting my fix of crestie pics. Will try to show them to hubby,see if it softens him - but knowing him, he'll go awwww at the pics, but still won't be allowed one...
Callazagy Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:06:25
Here's my lot -

Brindle -

Harley -

Noumea -

Farino -

And if you want to see their close relatives, Gargoyles, see here -
lupi lou Posted - 21/08/2013 : 19:41:38
cute little things! SBB I LOVE the second to last pic
Moppet Posted - 21/08/2013 : 18:21:50
N'aaawwwww, Fudge looks so smug about her tinsel What a cutie
Coal Posted - 21/08/2013 : 17:11:48
So if cresties were growing on me before, I'm going to be addicted by the time this thread gets going. They're the only lizard species that's caught my eye so far...
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/08/2013 : 16:46:49

Silly Fudge jumped, forgot she was holding on by her tail lol

Sorry for so many, couldnt pick!
Moppet Posted - 21/08/2013 : 14:55:56
What a good idea Razee. Maybe photos will help me in my wait for my own crestie

Blackcat - Ludo is gorgeous! I love the little dalmation spots in both red and black. Pretty I'm glad he/she is doing well.
Blackcat Posted - 21/08/2013 : 13:36:13
Rather than hijacking Moppets thread on the Olives I will answer your question re Ludo here
Ludo has settled well and has put on atleast 2g's.
I introduced crickets to the diet - boy do I get a feeding response, infact it is now hard to put my hand in the viv to get his feeding bowl out without being pounced on
Haven't taken many new photos (if any )so will just post some that have most likely been seen before

SO pleased I got this little one, I'm now having fun researching and planning a live planted viv for him/her

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