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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mjpeters Posted - 07/08/2013 : 19:12:17
I seem to have found the source of the mysterious flying beastie.Nestled in the 'hot spot'in the middle of the compost heap was this chap.

I think this is the male-he was none too pleased to be disturbed
I am now pretty sure he's a Lesser Welsh Green as my Dad came down and helped me build this compost bin using wood from Nana's old coal shed in Chester-I guess the eggs may have been stuck to the old timber.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mjpeters Posted - 08/08/2013 : 21:30:42
now look folks IF you lived on an Island,with all the many benefits of limited gene pool,I'm absolutely sure that you too would start to find interesting beasties in your compost....or even the local village shop
Jinsey's not a patch on the glorious Isle Of Wight
scottishbluebird Posted - 08/08/2013 : 18:20:17
Oh boy...........
Coal Posted - 08/08/2013 : 15:43:38
Originally posted by Boomslang

Why does it have little wings on its head? :P

Used in display for attracting a mate ;) :P
Boomslang Posted - 08/08/2013 : 15:33:20
Why does it have little wings on its head? :P
coxymk2 Posted - 08/08/2013 : 15:11:10
Methinks some body has had too much of that funny baccie or overdoing on medication lol
Red123 Posted - 08/08/2013 : 09:10:07
I have just spent all night digging around in my compost bin in the hope that I may see one of these beautiful creatures. Alas nothing :( I'm off to bed now.
Coal Posted - 08/08/2013 : 09:03:50
Ah, and here we see an adult great Colombian smoke nose; it must have escaped from captivity somewhere and gone to the compost heap for the warmth/humidity; some people are so careless with their reps :(

lol, very clever pic; looks kinda' smug somehow :) :P
scottishbluebird Posted - 07/08/2013 : 21:22:43
I never see any interesting wildlife
my mum has a red squirrel in her garden, still not seen it either
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 07/08/2013 : 19:40:37
Quite a cuteness to it aha
Moppet Posted - 07/08/2013 : 19:36:50
That's very cleverly done

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