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 Some bite photos (warning blood)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LarkaDawg Posted - 21/10/2012 : 19:05:11
So there I am, dangling a left over mouse in front of my six foot boa without tongs or anything, like a noob. And suprise suprise she misses the mouse and gets me lol! Took a bit of manouvering to get her to let go, but there won't be any more non-tong feeds like that again! It's completely my fault. I'm now kitted out with an impressive set of upper and lower jaw tooth marks and some heavy bruising lol, didn't hurt that much, but can't move my thumb much

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
herriotfan Posted - 22/10/2012 : 17:02:21
I'm impressed with the bite marks....very clear to see.
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/10/2012 : 16:12:36
Major ouch, hope thumb feels better soon, but not a lot of sympathy though, you should have known better!! but full marks knowing we need proof lol
Razee Posted - 22/10/2012 : 16:10:27
Impressive! Maybe your hand just looked tastier and bigger and warmer than the mouse... :-)
Kath Posted - 22/10/2012 : 11:56:41
Thorne Walker Posted - 22/10/2012 : 03:24:25
6 ft boa eh... your lucky it didn't eat you (they do that you know, check teh internet)...

Hopefully you feel better soon...
Auld Baldy Posted - 21/10/2012 : 22:05:19
Glad to see it isn't just me that has a Thumb Muncher. I still don't use tongs, just a little lot more concentration.
Moppet Posted - 21/10/2012 : 21:25:16
Ouch. Whoops!
Figs Posted - 21/10/2012 : 20:41:31
Looks a good'n!
paulie78 Posted - 21/10/2012 : 20:03:51
Ouch lol i have to admit though that was a pretty daft thing to do id have laid a lil brown egg if that were me pmsl
EmSquem Posted - 21/10/2012 : 20:01:17
Looks painful :S
lupi lou Posted - 21/10/2012 : 19:32:37
ouch! Must admit i may have chuckled slightly
lupi lou Posted - 21/10/2012 : 19:31:15

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