T O P I C R E V I E W |
BlueTongueDan |
Posted - 15/10/2009 : 21:38:25 Hey guys, Got an assignment to do on the Red Squirrel vs Grey Squirrel conflict. Problem im having is Why were the Grey Squirrels introduced? I cant find any real reason why they were introduced  Only thing ive found so far is 'released merely as a curiosity to satisfy the Victorian penchant for novelty'
Any help would be awesome! Thanks  |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 19/12/2010 : 17:28:14 quote: Originally posted by Tiffany-x
Notts uni, didnt know there was a trent one. But when you walk through all of the forest bits all you see is squirrels! It is great there, but I hate squirrels and they are everywhere there! :P Tiffany-x
I unno if there is a Trent one either XD lol. If you see a deranged woman in the park trying to stroke a swan or a man offering a goose a banana, say hello XD |
lrv2307 |
Posted - 18/12/2010 : 20:39:48 i thought they came over with the romans, as they ate them as a delicasy
Tiffany-x |
Posted - 18/12/2010 : 19:50:44 Notts uni, didnt know there was a trent one. But when you walk through all of the forest bits all you see is squirrels! It is great there, but I hate squirrels and they are everywhere there! :P Tiffany-x |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 18/12/2010 : 19:41:26 quote: Originally posted by somerssalt
The UK hatred of the grey squirrel was shown on the US nightly news tonight. It showed brits culling and eating them. I guess you Brits love your red squirrel. I live in the USA and I love the grey squirrel. We put out special food for them. They are so tame that they eat out of our hands. It's a lie that they hurt trees since our trees are just fine. WE love grey squirrels. The difference between you and us is that if we ever see a red squirrel we'll love it also.
Eating them? Wow never heard of that! Although why not? By law if manage to "catch" one you have to kill it so why not eat :D The problem is that some of the grey squirrels here aren't so friendly :( Maybe as they have a bit more competition here?
Tif, are you on about the actual Nottingham uni park or the Trent one? The real Nottingham uni park is great :D the geese and baby swans feed out of my hands!
Tiffany-x |
Posted - 13/12/2010 : 08:59:27 They are far too much now! Nottingham University Park used to be packed full of wildlife, now just squirrels, and it gets worse and worse because loads of parents around here take their children to feed them. Drives me crazy, I was scared of them when I was little though, I just played on the stepping stones. :) Tiffany-x |
Kehhlyr |
Posted - 13/12/2010 : 02:02:45 I've never known anyone to eat grey squirrels. Reds are great, greys are not as great.
As for culling the squirrel population, I can see that happening, they breed like mental here, we can have a small colony in the spring to hundreds of the things come late summer. |
n/a |
Posted - 13/12/2010 : 00:24:38 The UK hatred of the grey squirrel was shown on the US nightly news tonight. It showed brits culling and eating them. I guess you Brits love your red squirrel. I live in the USA and I love the grey squirrel. We put out special food for them. They are so tame that they eat out of our hands. It's a lie that they hurt trees since our trees are just fine. WE love grey squirrels. The difference between you and us is that if we ever see a red squirrel we'll love it also.
Kellog |
Posted - 01/05/2010 : 05:07:16 quote: Originally posted by BlueTongueDan
quote: Originally posted by Kazerella
Humans do a lot of damage to this world and I think sometimes successful creatures bare the brunt of our own mistakes. Squirrels shouldn't be hated for being successful, it's the Victorians that released them purely for novelty that should be looked down upon. We are SUPPOSED to be an intelligent species after all.
Completely agree with you there, Kaz.
Am with you 100% Kaz and Dan....we have a lot of explaining to do for the damage we have done and continue to do to our planet, when we are supposed to be protecting it....a lot of it being done knowing the consequences now.
BlueTongueDan |
Posted - 30/04/2010 : 18:01:45 quote: Originally posted by Kazerella
quote: Originally posted by Kellog
quote: Originally posted by Kazerella
Poor grey squirrels being shot for fun. I quite like them ..........
I am quite surprised at your attitude to grey squirrels Kaz, would have thought you would be a supporter of the native red squirrel and against the invaders !
It's probably because I regard them as the same as Cane Toads. Hated because of human fiddling.
Humans do a lot of damage to this world and I think sometimes successful creatures bare the brunt of our own mistakes. Squirrels shouldn't be hated for being successful, it's the Victorians that released them purely for novelty that should be looked down upon. We are SUPPOSED to be an intelligent species after all.
Completely agree with you there, Kaz. |
Kazerella |
Posted - 30/04/2010 : 10:23:01 quote: Originally posted by Kellog
quote: Originally posted by Kazerella
Poor grey squirrels being shot for fun. I quite like them ..........
I am quite surprised at your attitude to grey squirrels Kaz, would have thought you would be a supporter of the native red squirrel and against the invaders !
It's probably because I regard them as the same as Cane Toads. Hated because of human fiddling.
Humans do a lot of damage to this world and I think sometimes successful creatures bare the brunt of our own mistakes. Squirrels shouldn't be hated for being successful, it's the Victorians that released them purely for novelty that should be looked down upon. We are SUPPOSED to be an intelligent species after all.
I'm not against culling though in problem areas, I just wouldn't harm them myself when the only ones I see are in the local graveyard and don't seem to be causing any problems. As far as I know Red squirrels are more secretive, so they wouldn't populate a residential area anyway. Bolder greys don't seem to mind people and probably make a few people smile on a daily basis as the graveyard is a common walkway into town for many people. |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 29/04/2010 : 22:44:00 I wouldn't want to eat squirrel for the same reason I wouldn't want to eat pigeons although I don't know what reason it is...
They don't get shot for fun, they get shot to keep the numbers down as are rats, pigeons, seagulls, mice and rabbits, they are classed as pests because they destroy and multiple a bit too well. Anything my dad shoots end up on the lawn where the fox takes it away and I presume give it to their cubs or cats have a go at it or black birds and other pigeons will eat it so XD
The method of getting rid of birds is less mean in cities, they get a gun ans shoot the nest and aim for the eggs.
I need to do more research on the black squirrel.
Edit: According to the lovely wiki, black squirrels are just a different coloured grey squirrel and the black ones can come from grey litters and grey ones from black.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_squirrel |
n/a |
Posted - 29/04/2010 : 22:20:07 quote:
Poor grey squirrels being shot for fun quote:
Sorry if I have offended you I did not mean to. I forget sometimes that not everyone would agree with me shooting them. I do it for the greater good not just fun. I have seen first hand a Grey Squirrel destroy a Blackbird nest and kill the mother that was bravely defending her chicks. Not a nice situation to watch. |
eeji |
Posted - 29/04/2010 : 19:04:46 theres no such thing as too much chilli!     |
Kellog |
Posted - 29/04/2010 : 04:53:12 quote: Originally posted by Kazerella
Poor grey squirrels being shot for fun. I quite like them ..........
I am quite surprised at your attitude to grey squirrels Kaz, would have thought you would be a supporter of the native red squirrel and against the invaders !
Kazerella |
Posted - 28/04/2010 : 11:36:23 I'm glad someone else has found out about the black squirrels - I was at a party with my friends a few months ago and they were talking about Grey squirrels and I said that they were now in trouble from the black squirrels and they all thought I was joking!!!! At least now I can point them to this thread and they know I didn't make them up 
Poor grey squirrels being shot for fun. I quite like them and would only have one killed if I was planning to eat it. Although I once had squirrel on a bbq and it wasn't that nice. It might have been the chilli marinade that did destroyed it though. |
n/a |
Posted - 27/04/2010 : 14:28:02 squirrel on toast sounds nice. though they do look nice when they cook it on cooking shows. like a little meat kebab. anyways dan i would of prob thought its a case of liek alot of species when they transported and traded with other countries on ships they were on board and gradually got introduced to this country. not that thats a good enough answer but its most likely. |
n/a |
Posted - 26/04/2010 : 22:16:57 Grey Squirrels taste very nice as long as it is big enough Squirrel. The best meat being from half the body down to the back legs.
I must shoot about 30 to 40 a year and a friend of mine will prepare them for eating. You will see them in a lot of menus in Country pubs and restaurants. TASTY  |
Kellog |
Posted - 04/04/2010 : 06:01:48 quote: Originally posted by DannyBrown91
Does that mean next time i'm up my uncles we should dust off the air rifle hehe.
I always laugh when I visit my Yorkshire uncle - his back fence is decorated with the skins of the grey squirrels he has shot....supposedly they are there to deter other grey squirrels, but personally I think he just likes showing them off !
My OH once electrocuted a grey squirrel, but not enough to kill it unfortunately . It kept destroying the nuts we put out for the birds, so he rigged up some wiring and when the squirrel hung upside down holding onto the wire....we pressed a button and ZAP! Certainly made it jump! He was just cross he hadnt thought to position a barrel of water underneath to drown it when it fell....
Sta~ple |
Posted - 01/04/2010 : 16:06:31 Yes XD my dad has tried several times to get them and missed though :/ |
DannyBrown91 |
Posted - 01/04/2010 : 11:26:03 quote: Originally posted by Sta~ple
Sorry to revive but if you catch a grey squirrel by law, your are supposed to kill it. If you realise it after it has be caught it is illegal as they are classfied as vermin. They are many in number and cause a lot of damage, they are also part reasonable for the decline in the red squirrels numbers. Also there are diseases that the greys carry and might not get that effected by but can pass them onto red squirrels and it can kill them.
Grey squirrels also steal birds nests and if they have eggs or chicks in them, they get rid of them... as do magpies but it's illegal to kill magpies yet.
Does that mean next time i'm up my uncles we should dust off the air rifle hehe. |