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 Thorne you do make me laugh

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 04/07/2015 : 01:51:01
Me and my fiancé recently moved into our own flat, which meant all the animals came too- Obviously!

I checked on Thorne yesterday as I noticed he was sat in a weird potion.... And I saw this xD

Instant reaction? "Whatcha doin' flat head?". Stroked him and he seemed to realize it was me and tried crawling out onto my hand instead!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 09/07/2015 : 07:39:19
lmao soooo funny best snakes ever!
AcidicAngel Posted - 08/07/2015 : 17:29:14
He had his first proper hissy fit at my fiancé yesterday morning!
Kiz(fiancé) opened his faunarium up and stroked him - Que lots of hissing, puffing, bluffing and running away to hide!
I got him out later in the day, happy as larry
Razee Posted - 05/07/2015 : 09:30:54
He is doing the " mega dangerous viper" impression, lol.
scottishbluebird Posted - 04/07/2015 : 15:57:22
lol gotta love hoggies!
ScalySituation Posted - 04/07/2015 : 12:15:20
Hoggies are crazy haha

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