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T O P I C    R E V I E W
scubadude Posted - 24/12/2010 : 15:41:04
Well I wanted a royal as my other snake and as the new corn is being an awkward feeder, and is getting a little 1 to 1 from Sue, and it was love at first sight.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scubadude Posted - 26/12/2010 : 15:44:34
just had a mail from Sue the breeder of the Corn I'm waiting to bring home, he's fed and she's happy for him to leave, so I collect tomorrow. woohoo
Invalid User Posted - 26/12/2010 : 15:35:18
Ooo, lovely royal. I am jealous!
lee2308 Posted - 26/12/2010 : 15:10:35
Originally posted by scubadude

just to set the record straight, the breeder I'm getting my corn from wasn't happy with the corn and wanted to make sure he was feeding ok, before letting him leave.

I'm quite aware of the royals well earned reputation as a fussy feeder.

sorry,the post sounded like you already had a fussy feeder with you had given to someone to sort out you.
scubadude Posted - 26/12/2010 : 12:11:54
Thanks Danny, and thanks to everyone else.
reptiledanny Posted - 26/12/2010 : 11:47:34
already congratulated u on trpf, but ill say congrats here, and if u need any help remember im just round the corner lol
scubadude Posted - 26/12/2010 : 09:56:15
just to set the record straight, the breeder I'm getting my corn from wasn't happy with the corn and wanted to make sure he was feeding ok, before letting him leave.

I'm quite aware of the royals well earned reputation as a fussy feeder.
Inkygirl Posted - 26/12/2010 : 09:39:31
gorgeous x
lee2308 Posted - 25/12/2010 : 22:46:41
nice royal,but...
Originally posted by Sta~ple

Your corn as being an awkward feeder so you got a slug? XD

Pretty head though

was thinking exactly the same thing,royal can be one of the most fussiest feeders
HannahB Posted - 25/12/2010 : 19:18:08
very cute
Sta~ple Posted - 24/12/2010 : 19:52:00
Your corn as being an awkward feeder so you got a slug? XD

Pretty head though
gmac Posted - 24/12/2010 : 18:46:44
nice one congrats
herriotfan Posted - 24/12/2010 : 18:45:13
Awww, so tiny!
Sika Posted - 24/12/2010 : 18:03:20
Auw yes you finally got him :D !!!
Congrats with him/her? :D (not jealous at all!)
lrv2307 Posted - 24/12/2010 : 17:52:23
what a cute ickle baby xxx
Figs Posted - 24/12/2010 : 16:38:23
Aww! What a tiny little slug!
He's so cute!!
Tiffany-x Posted - 24/12/2010 : 15:48:57
Aww, beautiful!! :P

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