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Inkygirl Posted - 13/12/2010 : 09:09:36
hi. we are thinking of taking in a king snake female. just wondered if anybody had one or could tell me about theirs? she is red and grey.

have joined their forum too
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Inkygirl Posted - 13/12/2010 : 14:33:27
she has been well handled she looks lovely. going to go and visit her, have a nosey and chat :0) she is a grey banded one he said. is that a proper name?
hiper2009 Posted - 13/12/2010 : 14:03:41
Originally posted by lee2308

kings do have a reputation of being aggressive which is true when it comes to food of other snakes,yours might be a bit defensive of its home but with regular handling it should be fine,my mbk was a complete nutter when i got him because he was not handle at all but is a softie now.

Yes but all my corns are food agressive too
Invalid User Posted - 13/12/2010 : 13:50:39
I'm jealous!

My next snake is almost certainly going to be a king!
lee2308 Posted - 13/12/2010 : 13:19:56
kings do have a reputation of being aggressive which is true when it comes to food of other snakes,yours might be a bit defensive of its home but with regular handling it should be fine,my mbk was a complete nutter when i got him because he was not handle at all but is a softie now.
gmac Posted - 13/12/2010 : 12:22:45
have 2 of them and they are fantastic snakes. The are more active than corns and generally show a very nice attitude towards there meals .

Both of mine are cali Kings ones black and banana and the other off white and black just now and handle great, and unlike their reputation havent shown any signs of trying to eat us yet.

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