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 Grumpy Oscar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulie78 Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:26:09
Hopes its ok to share a fishy video here (if not apologise and i promise not to do it again!) this is severus my oscar hes just under a year old now and hes a proper grumpy bugger and doesnt like me touching anything in his tank lol the algae growth gets a bit much at times because hel only let the big plec do his job when hes feeling in a good mood lol (which is rare lol) as soon as i can get me a stand built im moving him into his new tank (75 gallons)
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paulie78 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 23:06:49
love jags but a wee big bit for any tanks i have lol
stotty01 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 22:59:03
indeed and a jag cyclid
paulie78 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 22:56:22
thats awesome nice arrowana too and is that a knife fish in there too ?
stotty01 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 22:51:29
dad had a tank with a few of these :) he got this now
paulie78 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 00:35:36
Lixra Posted - 23/08/2011 : 00:34:21
He angry

Nice Oscar though!
paulie78 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 00:34:08
hes just very particular about his tank i secretly think hes got ocd lol if i so much as move anything hel spend ages putting it back just as it was lmao as far as fish go comparitively speaking theyre as smart as parrots
paulie78 Posted - 23/08/2011 : 00:32:22
lol he might have an attitude problem but i do love him hes got such a profound character ohh yes auld hes very photogenic and will happily pose for pictures lol his colours change like a chameleon they do this for the first 3 years of theyre life (ish) then they stay one colour he goes from anything to a greyish dull red to a dark black and almost deep neon red colour the colour in his vid is just his regular normal chilling colour
thistle Posted - 23/08/2011 : 00:30:00
He may have a slight attitude problem, but he's a stunning looking fish.
tordyjo Posted - 22/08/2011 : 14:38:13
haha thats fab a grump of a fish.
Auld Baldy Posted - 22/08/2011 : 14:33:24
Ha-ha! What an actor. Clock him playing to the camera, making sure that it's his best side you are filming.
Laws Posted - 22/08/2011 : 14:12:11
hahaa! love it! clever grumpy git eh ?
paulie78 Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:39:36
its probably my fault for catering to his every whim he is spoilt rotten and hes just as smart as the cats to be honest he gets to know people feeding times how to manipulate me into giving him treats he also plays dead when i do water changes as he doesnt like them obviously soon as he does that i stop what im doing and go grab a treat to see if hes faking (he always is and yet i still fall for it!!)
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:38:34
Lol lovely though
Mamma Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:35:03
That is one diva of a fish!
paulie78 Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:31:07
Mamma hes fussy about people too certain people he trys to chase away from his tank unless they have food/treats for him lol
Mamma Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:27:16
hahahah what a grumpy sod!

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