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T O P I C    R E V I E W
angriesthedgehog Posted - 09/08/2011 : 14:05:40
shes doing really well but still hates the camera :p She seems to like coming out and sitting on people and LOVES going outside on a sunny day :)

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScalySituation Posted - 23/08/2011 : 12:20:55
ravensgirl Posted - 14/08/2011 : 22:55:32
very cute, something i've never considered myself but very cute and cool to see photos
Lixra Posted - 13/08/2011 : 11:27:03
Awesome, I just love chameleons their feet just make me smile

Never got one as I heard their life expectancy is quite short compared to the other animals we have, and don't think I could handle get a cute little friend and having to say goodbye after 5 years or so
Toki Posted - 12/08/2011 : 23:39:18
She really is beautiful! :)

I love chameleons a lot, will definatly look at getting another in the next few years. They are such characters.

Our cham was a grumpy boy but he'd let you handle him half the time. He made it very clear if he didn't want to be lol hissing etc. Other times he'd toddle up my arm without a care in the world.
And I know people with chams that will come to the viv door when they want to get out and explore. Definatly depends on the individual cham i think.

They're hard to look after but so worth it I think
Mort13 Posted - 11/08/2011 : 16:47:53
Aww she's lovely. I love chameleons but have been put off having them after having a bad experience with a pair I had years back. Only had them a couple of months and they died.
Since found out none of the clutch lived very long.
animalcrazy Posted - 11/08/2011 : 09:29:20
Love the 3rd photos, she looks very deep in thought :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 10/08/2011 : 23:11:15
Thanks for that, when the demon brat moves out will soooo be getting one!
angriesthedgehog Posted - 10/08/2011 : 01:21:08
well stress can kill chameleons (Im by no means an expert on them though - havent had her long) but I was told it depends on the chammy - if it shows aggression and stress then back off or take it slow. She really likes being handled and I usually just let her walk onto me and no problems

scottishbluebird Posted - 09/08/2011 : 23:51:04
Did you get her as a baby? i am so confused about chams, i did look into getting one, but was told loads of times cant handle them as they can freak out stress and die, yet like you,i see them getting handled a lot, is it a certain breed that is more happy to be handled?
angriesthedgehog Posted - 09/08/2011 : 21:59:48
I handle her every day - but she is very chilled and really likes coming out
scottishbluebird Posted - 09/08/2011 : 18:42:45
So gorgeous, how often can you handle her?
thistle Posted - 09/08/2011 : 17:44:01
Gorgeous! I love chams.
angriesthedgehog Posted - 09/08/2011 : 15:58:21
dont think so but could be possible - she seems to just not like it anyway tho lol
Simmy_82 Posted - 09/08/2011 : 15:33:20
He could probs see his reflection in the lens?? Hence the hissing maybe?
angriesthedgehog Posted - 09/08/2011 : 15:27:54
lol these pics were taken a distance away - when the camera was closer she started turning black hissing and then running away
garrie Posted - 09/08/2011 : 14:35:29
Wow, what a stunner! If i wasn't a beginner i think i may have gone the same way. She doesn't seem too camera shy?!?
HannahB Posted - 09/08/2011 : 14:30:37
lovely! theres something fascinating about them..the babies they had at donny a few years back were adorable - could easily have had one or two!!
Simmy_82 Posted - 09/08/2011 : 14:12:05
Love it!

Before we got a snake we nearly got a chameleon. We decided against it as its a tough reptile for a beginner. So we may get one in a few years. Lovely looking animals!

Here's a pic of one i took at the Zoo at the weekend Hope yours grows to be a stunner like this one!

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