T O P I C R E V I E W |
n/a |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 03:12:49 Hello. I'm new. I'm a disaster with things I love...like snakes. In the past a while back I have lost a snake because it bit me while i was sat on the floor and dropped it and got away in a crack in my wooden floor. The other two died. Never was sure why. Anyway, I bought new equipment and I'm getting a six month old male butter corn snake and incredibly happy with that. I have spent a lot of money on snake equipment now. Just need a thermostat. What's a decent thermostat for a reasonable price? Thanks! Nice to meet everyone!  |
18 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
col654 |
Posted - 23/04/2010 : 20:21:37 Hi and welcome . |
herriotfan |
Posted - 23/04/2010 : 17:20:04 Hi Welcome to the forum. |
hillzi |
Posted - 23/04/2010 : 14:00:47 Hello! :) |
gingerpony |
Posted - 23/04/2010 : 13:56:14 heya and welcome  |
Mouse |
Posted - 19/04/2010 : 09:42:35 hiya and welcome! |
Kellog |
Posted - 19/04/2010 : 04:27:50 quote: Originally posted by colbyleung
Thank you very mcuh for the information. Amazing answer. And thanks everyone else for the Welcomes. For one Ithink I bought sick and the other was keptin a too bigger tank and I hear that causes stress. I just got little starter tanks. Exo terra ones. My digital thermometer arrived when allmy snakes were gone. So did most of the smaller equipment and the housing. Its pretty full of stuff but reasonably. 2 hides, thermometer, a hanging plant sort of hanging vertical [becasue they interwine within it and hide] and a standing plant and also climbing branch. Is this one to control heat, I find it very confusing: http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/p-27871-habistat-temperature-reptile-vivarium-thermostat.aspx and http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/p-27868-komodo-habitat-reptile-vivarium-thermostat-300w.aspx and what heat do you recommend to keep a baby corn snake at? Is it okay to use aspen bedding at their age? Thank you all!
Am sorry to hear the reasons why you lost your other snakes Colby, but at least you have some idea why and have learnt from it. Kdlang is right about not giving up on your lost snake - a forum member's snake turned up recently having been lost for 7 months!
Your set up sounds really good. I havent come across the komodo stat before but know that the habisitat ones are pretty reliable (as far as stats go ). Looking at the info I would assume that it is an on/off stat rather than a pulse or dimming stat, which will mean it will switch off once the heatmat reaches the set heat and then allow the temp to drop a few degrees until it turns back on. The warm end should be 27-29oC and the cool end 21-23oC approx.
Aspen is fine to use as a bedding, although I think a lot of our forum members with baby corns use shredded newspaper. I have only had adults so cannot be sure if there is a problem with using aspen with babies, but as far as I know it shouldnt be an issue. They do like to burrow and the aspen allows them to do this.
kdlang |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 16:52:59 Hi colby and a big welcome. I can understand how determined you are to get things just right. It must have been awful for you to have your snakes die and not really know why. Well you can't go too far wrong in following the advice of these guys on here. And never give up on your missing snake. I'm not sure how long it has been gone but there are various methods to help track it down. There have been people on here who have found snakes after they have been missing for months. |
lee2308 |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 16:47:16 hi and welcome to the forum |
Figs |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 16:36:33 hello and welcome! good luck with your new snakey; its just horrible when things go wrong  ...but everyone here is very nice and so can give you lots of help if you need it!  |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 16:17:07 welcome to the forum |
n/a |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 14:19:51 Thank you very mcuh for the information. Amazing answer. And thanks everyone else for the Welcomes. For one Ithink I bought sick and the other was keptin a too bigger tank and I hear that causes stress. I just got little starter tanks. Exo terra ones. My digital thermometer arrived when allmy snakes were gone. So did most of the smaller equipment and the housing. Its pretty full of stuff but reasonably. 2 hides, thermometer, a hanging plant sort of hanging vertical [becasue they interwine within it and hide] and a standing plant and also climbing branch. Is this one to control heat, I find it very confusing: http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/p-27871-habistat-temperature-reptile-vivarium-thermostat.aspx and http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/p-27868-komodo-habitat-reptile-vivarium-thermostat-300w.aspx and what heat do you recommend to keep a baby corn snake at? Is it okay to use aspen bedding at their age? Thank you all! |
HannahB |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 14:19:08 hey and welcome tbh iv not come across that brand of heat mat but i use habistat on/off stats and pulse stats and they work great  ask us anything and we will be happy to answer - look forwards to seeing pics once the week of hands free time is up!! |
n/a |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 13:24:18 welcome to the forum
paul |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 12:16:42 hi and welcome, hope everything goes ok with this snake!  |
mozacchio |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 12:13:43 Hello and welcome to the forum!  |
n/a |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 12:12:11 Welcome to the forum. As for thermostats look at the Micro climate stats they are a very good stat. As for prices they vary depending on your needs.
check this link http://www.888reptiles.co.uk/productsubcategories.php?SubCategoryID=205 |
Kellog |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 04:05:11 Welcome Colby, it is really good that you have joined us! This is a great forum with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also get lots of fun and friendship . I realise you have kept corns before, so sorry if I am repeating information you already know...but it is better heard twice than not at all.
I am so sorry to hear about your previous experiences. That really was a lot to go through, especially not knowing how your 2 died. I am not sure how long ago all this was so would suggest that it is a good idea to brush up on the basics of corn keeping.
Am sure you have already browsed the TCS site and forum, and found that it provides great information. The best place to look is http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/corn_snake_care_sheet.htm, it has lots of information for new snake owners. Also read this topic on 'Your 1st Snake' http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4133
I dont know if you did this with your previous snakes, but we always suggest you follow the one-week rule (it is more of a guide than a rule but worth adhering too!)...no handling or feeding for the first week to allow your snake to get over the stress of the move and for it to get used to the new smells and its new surroundings. This means just putting your hand in to change the water daily and straighten the substrate, so it can get used to your smell and not be threatened by you. You mustnt worry about your corn not feeding for that week, corns are a lot hardier than we realise and going for a week without food will not do them any harm, no matter how small they are. You are rarely advised this in a lot of pet shops but it is an important way of getting your snake to de-stress and feel safe with you. It is a hard week, very frustrating, but worth it for the snake's sake.
You will find that there is a large amount of conflicting information out there about corn keeping – on the internet, in books, etc. Even on here you will find that people have different opinions.....but at least you have a place to ask what you need to know and get the answers from experienced owners. Then you can decide what to do with what you are told.
Unfortunately many pet shops cannot be trusted with what they are telling you . I know that I double check anything I am told on here. Remember that no question is regarded as a silly question .....it is much better asked and answered, you will probably find others who want the info too! First place to look is in the top right hand corner of the screen where there is a search button...type in what you are worried about and see if you can find an answer. I know you can get swamped with different topics including what you are searching for, so it is a bit daunting but worth a look. If you cant find the answer you are looking for then dont hesitate to ask!
Regarding your question about thermostats I have tried the microclimate on/off and didnt get on with it at all, although I know some people do use them. I just wasnt happy with the way it would turn off and then allow the temp to drop by about 5oC before turning back on. I now use the Habistat pulse, which I know is more expensive but I am much happier with it and was willing to pay the extra for peace of mind. Hopefully you will get a digital thermometer as well as thermostats can malfunction and need monitoring. I have used 888reptiles when I have ordered stuff but you may be able to get cheaper on ebay. It is a really good idea to get your viv set up and running properly before you get your snake, so you can ensure there are no problems.
When you get your snake I hope you get as much info about him as possible....shedding history, feeding history etc. I am not sure if you did this with your previous corns, but I keep my own 'Snake Diaries', noting things like weight, length, feeding dates and what you feed, shedding dates, health problems. I know it seems a bit over the top but it is actually really helpful keeping track of your snake's health - I even note when Kellog and Silvesta poo !!
Unwritten forum rule - pics as soon as possible! This link will help - http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=14
A warning - corn snakes are addictive.....and yes, the majority of us have stood up, said "hello my name is ****, I am addicted to corns........! And I am proud of it!" You have just started down that corn path so be warned!!
I look forward to getting to know you better.
n/a |
Posted - 18/04/2010 : 03:18:47 Oh it's a XS Algarde matt I think. 7 or 14 W. |