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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xitania Posted - 25/11/2009 : 10:34:40
Hi all,
More than a month ago I bought my first 2 month old corn snake "Cole" who is an Anerythristic type B. Seeing him all alone in his vivarium I decided he needed company and bought another 2month old Okeetee cross corn snake "Shady". They both are really healthy and their colours became even brighter since I had them.
Since I live in Malta it is very difficult to find different corn snakes besides the usual common one and I was lucky and found a snow corn snake which i purchased 2 days ago. The corn snake is according to the breeder 4/5months old but much much smaller then Cole and Shady. He hasnt eaten yet but i guess he still needs time to settle in his new place so im not going to worry for now.
I havent named him yet so if anyone has any NAME SUGGESTIONS please let me know


16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Falice Posted - 19/06/2013 : 22:39:27
omg I was reading this and didn't realise the date for ages! How cool
gmac Posted - 18/06/2013 : 20:47:39

We have successfully resurrected the longest dead thread ever :D
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 18/06/2013 : 20:31:07
Hey and welcome to our abode! we dont bite...much ;D
vector200066 Posted - 18/06/2013 : 20:01:32

Welcome to the forum....
Hope you find information you need...
yalovit Posted - 18/06/2013 : 19:22:53
whats the difference between an okeetee and a Carolina
hiper2009 Posted - 27/11/2009 : 11:59:49
Hey and welcome to the forum.
Xitania Posted - 27/11/2009 : 08:12:34
I understand the concern of everyone and that everybody has a different opinions about corn snakes being kept together.
I joined this forum to get advice and noticed that cohabiting is a HOT topic here. However as much as I would like to get advice and learn as much as possible about them, opinions should be respected. Unfortunately in a topic I was following someone was critizied badly for keeping his snakes together. Im asking WHY?? Cant this person have his own opinion? If it works well for the person to keep them together why shouldnt he. Of course there is a risk but then that all depends on the snakes behaviour and the facilities they are being kept in.
Having searched the internet i read that corn snakes do go very well together and is one of the few snake breeds which actually can be kept together in the same vivarium. Yet of course there can be exceptions.

I hope people dont get offended by me saying this and i must add thats the only negative thing i noticed about this forum so far, but that doesnt stop me from visiting this website 6 times a day lol.
Kellog Posted - 27/11/2009 : 04:09:15
Originally posted by Xitania

I have been through the links and im aware of the co-habiting and so far my snakes seemt to get on well with each other. Just in case I have a vivarium prepared to seperate them if need be.

Problem is Xitania can you be sure of seeing the signs of a problem and reacting in time? Or it may be that the first sign is you coming downstairs and finding the female damaged by the male....or pregnant and you wont know until it is too late...

You will have realised that it is a topic that is very close to peoples hearts and can get very emotional....with those for it and those against it. But you will notice that those who are for it are expert and professional keepers who have the experience to do it and will only keep same sex, older snakes together.

It can only be your decision Xitania...but I hope you do take on the information provided by those who have experience of co-habiting successfully and those who have gone through bad expriences with it because they thought like you do.

Xitania Posted - 26/11/2009 : 07:21:22
hi thank you all for your nice welcome.
I have been through the links and im aware of the co-habiting and so far my snakes seemt to get on well with each other. Just in case I have a vivarium prepared to seperate them if need be.

@Kellog: Yeah I am addicted and im very proud of it :D corn snakes are such beautiful creatures.
gmac Posted - 26/11/2009 : 03:40:06
hiya and welcome to the forum
Kellog Posted - 26/11/2009 : 03:03:51
Glad you have introduced yourself properly Xitania! You will find that this is a great place with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also gets lots of fun and friendship as a bonus.

I would definitely agree with SexyChef and Gingerpony with regard to the concern over co-habiting and hope you take time to read the topic GP has suggested. In the wild corn snakes are solitary creatures and would not normally come into contact with another corn except at mating time...but we tend to humanise them and worry about them being lonely when they dont feel as we do.

No question is regarded as a silly question on is much better asked and answered, you will probably find others who want the info too!

There is an unwritten forum rule - pics as soon as possible!

Seems that you have already learnt that corn snakes are addictive.....and yes, the majority of us have stood up, said "hello my name is **** and I am addicted to corns........! And I am proud of it!"

gingerpony Posted - 25/11/2009 : 16:34:07
heya and welcome

please take some time thoroughly ready this thread...,habiting
sexychef Posted - 25/11/2009 : 15:32:52
hi and welcome

Originally posted by Xitania

Seeing him all alone in his vivarium I decided he needed company

have you read up all the pro's and cons of housing them together?
HannahB Posted - 25/11/2009 : 10:51:24
hey and welcome
this is a link to a list of names compiled by a few members on here..maybe theres a name you like on there

look forwards to seeing pics
n/a Posted - 25/11/2009 : 10:50:32
there are loads of great names on this post, check it out
n/a Posted - 25/11/2009 : 10:41:02
What about spook

And if you use the name that will be 2 weeks staying at your house in malta this xmas since its bloody freezing here

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