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 Hello from Sunderland

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JordeeUK Posted - 29/08/2017 : 23:27:51

My son bought a tarantula a couple of weeks ago. While in the shop I noticed the little tubs of baby corns and I just had to have one. I returned a few days later and bought the complete starter kit - including Sid, a Carolina Corn.

I came across this site and found it really helpful. So I hope my journey with Sid will be a happy one. Bit worried about doing something wrong and killing him! But so far he's eaten, crapped and appears ready to shed.

So far, so good. Hope to learn from your collective minds along the way.

Regards, Lee.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Razee Posted - 01/09/2017 : 10:35:43
Hello and welcome to the forum. :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/08/2017 : 13:16:07
Hi and welcome
ScalySituation Posted - 30/08/2017 : 19:38:57
Hello there!!
gmac Posted - 30/08/2017 : 07:19:45
Welcome along

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