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 Say Hi To Drogo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DrogoSnow Posted - 22/02/2016 : 02:35:04
First off I'd like to introduce my juvenile snow, Drogo,

My name is Tyreese and for almost a month now I've been the happy, yet weary (story to come), adoptee of Drogo.

When I was MUCH younger my father owned a red-tail boa, at the time I was 3 years of age and being stupid and 3.
Anyways, the red-tail, scarlette (I believe) was in the middle of a shed and i was used to handling her, however my
3 year old mind didn't piece together handling + shed = bad. she got irritated at my advances to handle her and she
wrapped herself around my body and started swallowing my arm. Lucky me dad was nearby and got her off of me.
Due to this incident I have been traumatized at the thought of being in the same room as a snake, let alone owning one.
So about a week ago my dadcomes to me with his baby corn snake and I froze. Full on paralysis couldn't barely speak.
eventually he managed toget the snake on my hand and on my arm. Mid heart attack I decided it wasn't as bad as my
traumatized mind had thought it would be. In fact that very same day I adopted Drogo. And now here I am. I expect I'll be on with queestions a plenty as Drogo does anything i'm unsure of.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Posted - 28/02/2016 : 21:45:51
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/02/2016 : 23:23:26
Hi and welcome
Well done on getting over your fear
Razee Posted - 22/02/2016 : 07:58:02
Hello and welcome to the forum, both you and Drogo :-)

He is a little cutie, and definitely won't try to eat your arm. Or, rather, if he did try to, you can just sit there and laugh at his futile attempts. Blimey, you had some introduction to snakes!
coxymk2 Posted - 22/02/2016 : 06:17:07
Hello and welcome glad you got over the trauma

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