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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BeauBoi Posted - 05/11/2015 : 17:28:53
Hello Everyone!
I joined this forum because it seems to be one of the most active, and because (obviously) I recently got a corn snake!

After 19 years together, my husband finally relented and got me a snow corn for my birthday.

She is a tiny little thing and I had quite a bit of trouble getting her to eat at first (which is how I found this site!). However, after following instructions I found here, she has turned into a very aggressive feeder!

For the first 2 feelings I had to cut a pinkie in half (length wise) but all successive feelings for the next 2 months were whole pinkies. We then went a month eating 2 pinkies every 5 days, followed by a month of 3 pinkies per feeding!

4 days ago she ate her first fuzzie, and today she was looking for prey when o took her out for her handling! :-D

I don't think I could have been successful if it were not for the fantastic info on this site!

Thanks for the all the help!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Posted - 09/11/2015 : 20:16:43
Hello and welcome
BeauBoi Posted - 07/11/2015 : 20:04:38
Thanks Everyone!
I appreciate the warm welcome! I expect I will be spending LOTS more time here, as my snake addiction is still in it's infancy lol
I hope to get to know you all better!
gmac Posted - 07/11/2015 : 19:55:43
Hey and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/11/2015 : 20:59:44
Hi and welcome
Razee Posted - 05/11/2015 : 20:39:42
Hello and welcome:-)

19 years wait... I thought I had it bad having to wait for 10 years :-)

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